Assignment Paper

Throughout this course, you have been introduced to tools to assist clients and students with identifying options for meaningful and desirable work. These tools include theories, assessments, and job-seeking strategies to facilitate self-exploration, increase career knowledge, and enhance career decision-making. In this final project, you will synthesize what you have learned by developing a career plan to support a client or student’s career development. To complete the project, you will read the case study illustrating a fictional client/student with career development needs. Using the template provided in the Week 10 Learning Resources, you will then apply the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model to address the needs of this fictional case from the perspective of either the school counselor OR the licensed professional counselor. To conclude the assignment, you will identify how you might collaborate with the other counselor in the case (i.e., if you are the school counselor how you might collaborate with the licensed professional counselor OR if you are the licensed professional counselor how you might collaborate with the school counselor) in order to ensure Jermel’s career needs are addressed. The Helping Skill Model is outlined in the case study, Darren: The Case of the Unemployed Runaway, located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.

To Prepare:

Consider the learning resources presented throughout the course. If necessary, for your action plan, review the resume and interviewing resources presented in the Week 11 resources as well. Additional career resources can be found on the Walden University Career Planning and Development website ( Access the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

Access the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors located in the Week 10 Learning Resources. Access the Career Plan template located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.

In 5–8 pages, use the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model to describe the strategies/interventions that you would use to support the case study’s career plan. The Helping Skills Model is outlined in the case study, Darren: The Case of the Unemployed Runaway. It is located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.

First, summarize the case of Jermel. Do not use “Darren” from the resources. In your summary, you should: Briefly describe Jermel’s career concerns, and Highlight relevant sociocultural factors that influence the case. Describe your role in addressing Jermel’s career concerns as either a licensed professional counselor or a school counselor.

Next, following the Hill and O’Brien (1999) model, Describe the activities that you would engage in at Stage One of your career plan (Exploration, pp. 231–232). What techniques would you use to develop rapport, express empathy, and encourage Jermel to “tell his story?” How would you broach the role of sociocultural factors in Jermel’s career story?

For the second stage, Insight (p. 232), identify the areas that you would focus on to gain a deeper meaning and understanding of Jermel’s situation.

How would you identify his interests, abilities, and strengths? What career assessments and/or computer-assisted programs might be of use? What changes in the world-of-work might be relevant?

For the Action stage (p. 232), identify The plans you would develop How you would evaluate them, and What follow up activity you would do with your client.

Include anything else that you would like to add to further develop the plan.

Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as COUN6753+WK10Assgn+last name+first initial.

2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page. 3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.



Total Points: 100


Criteria Ratings Pts

50 pts

25 pts

25 pts

Adherence to Assignment Expectations: In 5–8 pages, use the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model to describe the strategies/interventions that you would use to support the case study’s career plan.

50 to >44.0 pts A

Thoroughly addresses all required components of the assignment with a well- developed, cohesive, and insightful narrative that exceeds expectations.

44 to >39.0 pts B

Thoroughly addresses all required components of the assignment with a well-developed narrative.

39 to >34.0 pts C

Addresses some of the required components.

34 to >0 pts F

Addresses few to no required components.

Assimilation & Synthesis of Ideas:Course content is synthesized and supported with information from the learning resources and examples.

25 to >22.4 pts A Critically evaluates course content and main points. Supports the evaluation with information from the learning resources and personal/professional experiences.

22.4 to >19.9 pts B Synthesizes the course content to illustrate main points and supports the synthesis with information from the learning resources and personal/professional experiences.

19.9 to >17.4 pts C Identifies key points from the course content and supports the key points with minimal information from the learning resources or personal/professional experiences.

17.4 to >0 pts F Key points are missing and minimal to no information from the learning resources or personal/professional experiences is used.

Expression and Formatting: The extent to which the submission demonstrated writing quality.

25 to >22.4 pts A Writing is organized, concise, and scholarly written with no grammatical errors.

22.4 to >19.9 pts B Writing is organized, concise, and scholarly written with minimal to no grammatical errors.

19.9 to >17.4 pts C Writing is unclear or interrupted by grammatical errors.

17.4 to >0 pts F Writing lacks clarity, organization and has significant grammatical errors.