Assignment Paper

Medication adherence in the United States remains suboptimal; medication nonadherence is a complex issue that requires patience, presence, and perspective. One strategy that has been helpful for improving adherence is a combination of psychotherapy and psychoeducation, that is client-centered and free from counselor-agenda. As clinicians, we are not here to coerce, manipulate, or otherwise unduly influence a client to take their medications. Counseling is a safe place to explore what the client is experiencing and thinking; clients’ needs a safe place to share concerns and explore options. Clients do not lose their rights to autonomy when they enter counseling and receive mental health/ substance use disorder diagnoses. Clinicians remain focused on the client’s initial presenting issues and concerns without inserting a counselor agenda and bias; treatment includes psychotherapy, intervention and education. Clients often are more likely to consider medications when they believe that they are deciding independently, without coercion, to make needed changes. Motivational interviewing (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections and summarizations) and empathy are very helpful for enhancing the client’s knowledge about medications, feelings of self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and medication adherence.


To Prepare

For this Assignment, you will review peer-reviewed literature, reading assignments, and resources to analyze our role as counselors when working with clients who are psychotropic medication noncompliant.

Assignment (3-5 pages)

Give a minimum of four (4) reasons why a client might engage in medication nonadherence. What are systemic barriers to medication adherence? Give at least one (1) cultural example where medication nonadherence is a factor that we might face. What are counseling techniques that have the potential to improve adherence? What are counseling techniques that have the potential to decrease adherence? What is appropriate information for you to get from the prescriber, that might help you when working with your client around medication adherence and nonadherence? How would you want to be treated if you were in your client’s shoes, skeptical about the use of medications for treatment of mental health and/or substance use disorders?

Your Assignment will be 3 to 5 pages in length, not including cover page or references page. Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references from the literature, text, and resources. In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for peer-reviewed academic literature to support your Assignment. This Assignment must utilize appropriate APA format and citations.

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Criteria Ratings Pts

20 pts

Responsiveness: The paper demonstrates that the student recognizes and understands the complexity and limitations of the counselor’s role regarding the client’s medication adherence and nonadherence. The paper clearly communicates a thorough response to each question.

20 to >17.9 pts A

The content of the paper includes thorough responses that substantially cover the topic of all the questions in the instructions.

17.9 to >15.9 pts B

The content of the paper includes responses to all of the questions and the responses substantially cover the topic of more than half of the questions in the instructions.

15.9 to >13.9 pts C

The content of the paper includes responses to at least half of the questions and the responses substantially cover the topic of at least half of the questions in the instructions.

13.9 to >0 pts F

The content of the paper includes responses to fewer than half the questions and/or the responses substantially cover the topic of less than half of the questions in the instructions.

Criteria Ratings Pts

20 pts

10 pts

Content Knowledge: The extent to which the content demonstrates an understanding of our current knowledge, providing information from the research, literature and Code of Ethics that validate their answers.

20 to >17.9 pts A

The responses to the questions in the instructions demonstrate:… 1.) In-depth understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course showing that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented;… 2.) Rich and relevant presentation; and… 3.) Mastery and thoughtful/accurate application of knowledge and skills or strategies presented in the course.

17.9 to >15.9 pts B

The responses to the questions in the instructions demonstrate:… 1.) Understanding and application of the concepts and issues presented in the course demonstrating that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented;… 2.) Relevant presentation; and… 3.) Mastery and application of knowledge and skills or strategies presented in the course.

15.9 to >13.9 pts C

The responses to the questions in the instructions demonstrate:… 1.) Minimal understanding of concepts and issues presented in the course, and, although generally accurate, displays some omissions and/or errors; and/or… 2.) Irrelevant presentation; and/or… 3.) Little mastery of skills and/or numerous errors when using the knowledge, skills or strategies presented in the course.

13.9 to >0 pts F

The responses to the questions in the instructions demonstrate:… 1.) Lack of understanding of the concepts and issues presented in the course and/or application is inaccurate and contains many omissions and/or errors; and/or… 2.) Irrelevant presentation; and/or… 3.) Many critical errors when applying knowledge, skills, or strategies presented in the course.

Quality of Writing: The extent to which the student communicated in a way that meets graduate level writing or communication expectations.

10 to >8.9 pts A

Writing or communication exceeds graduate- level expectations. The reference guide:… 1.) Includes language that is clear, concise, and appropriate;… 2.) Has few, if any, errors in spelling (if written), grammar, and syntax;… 3.) Is extremely well organized, logical, clear, and never

8.9 to >7.9 pts B

Writing or communication meets graduate- level expectations. The reference guide:… 1.) Includes language that is clear;… 2.) Has a few errors in spelling (if written), grammar, and syntax;… 3.) Is well organized, logical, and clear;… 4.) Uses original language

7.9 to >6.9 pts C

Writing or communication is somewhat below graduate-level expectations: The reference guide:… 1.) Includes language that is unclear and/or inappropriate; and/or… 2.) Has more than occasional errors in spelling (if written), grammar, and syntax; and/or… 3.) Is

6.9 to >0 pts F

Writing or communication is well below graduate-level expectations: The reference guide:… 1.) Includes unclear and inappropriate language; and/or… 2.) Has many errors in spelling (if written), grammar, and syntax; and/or… 3.) Lacks organization in a way that creates

Total Points: 50

Criteria Ratings Pts

confuses the reader or listener;… 4.) Uses a preponderance of original language and uses direct quotes only when necessary and/or appropriate;… 5.) Provides information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.

and uses direct quotes when necessary and/or appropriate;… 5.) Provides information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.

poorly organized, is at times unclear and confusing, and has some problems with logical flow; and/or… 4.) Reflects an underuse of original language and an overuse of direct quotes and paraphrases; and/or… 5.) Sometimes lacks information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.

confusion for the reader; and/or… 4.) Contains many direct quotes from original source materials and/or consistently and poorly paraphrases rather than using original language; and/or… 5.) Lacks information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.