Project Paper


This project is an opportunity for you to take information that you have learned in lecture and lab and put it to practical use. You will take the data/information that was collected on aclient, and calculate all of the results. Then you will write an exercise prescription for this individual.

Please compile all the information for this project in an organized manner, and divide into the following sections:

A. Health Screening/Risk Stratification

Similar to the first assignment, this will be where you take the information from the client and complete the following:

1. Using the ACSM Guidelines book (GETP11), clearly state whether or not each individual possesses each of these risk factors. Make sure you explain why or why not [i.e. provide the patient values and how they compare to the criterion value(s)] in a table similar to the following example (only three are shown but you should list all nine of them):

Positive Risk Factors





Male over 45 years

Family History


No mention of any family with medical conditions/early death



Does not smoke

2. Identify any major signs or symptoms suggestive of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.

3. Identify the total number of risk factors. Be sure to subtract the negative risk factor (if they have that one) from the positive risk factors.

4. Go through the flow chart for making a recommendation for medical clearance. What recommendations do you make and why? Be sure to explain, for example: should they immediately start exercising at a vigorous intensity or should they begin at a lighter intensity? Or would they be fine to continue their vigorous intensity?

B. Body Composition

The client was first tested for body composition. This included circumference measurement of their waist and hips. Their height and weight were recorded, and skinfold testing was performed. You need to:

1. Completeany missing spots in the data sheet

2. Determine Body Mass Index (BMI)

a. Include calculations (show work)

b. Include classification

3. Determine Waist to Hip Ratio

a. Include classifications for waist circumference and waist to hip ratio

4. Completion of Skinfold Thickness Assessment

a. Use the Jackson and Pollock 7-site and Brozek equations

b. Include skinfold thickness data sheet

c. Include calculations for body density, percent body fat, fat-weight, and fat-free weight

d. Include percentile ranking for percent body fat

5. Calculation of Ideal Body Weight

a. Recommend a percent body fat

i. Justify why you chose this recommended %BF

b. Calculate ideal body weight and the weight loss necessary to achieve this ideal body weight.

C. Cardiorespiratory Fitness

This client completed the YMCA Submaximal Cycle Test. You should:

1. Completeany missing spots in the data sheet for the submaximal exercise test

2. Complete all calculations for the submaximal exercise test

3. Present the results of the test

a. Absolute VO2max

b. Relative VO2max

c. Percentile ranking

D. Muscular Strength and Endurance

The client completed the following tests of muscular fitness: 1RM bench press and leg press, YMCA bench press test, and push-ups. You will turn in:

1. Determination of 1-RM for bench press and leg press (Muscular Strength)

a. Determine Strength-to-Weight Ratio for both tests

b. Include percentile rankings for both tests

2. Completion of the YMCA bench press test (Muscular Endurance)

a. Include data sheet

b. Include classification/category

3. Completion of the Push-Up test (Muscular Endurance)

a. Include data sheet

b. Include classification/category

E. Flexibility

These assessments included two different sit and reach tests, and lumbar flexion/extension. You will turn in:

1. Standard Trunk Forward Flexion Test

a. Include classification/category

2. YMCA Sit and Reach Test

a. Include classification/category

3. Lumbar Flexion and Extension

a. Include comparisons to “average healthy range”

F. Fitness Assessment Interpretation

In a paragraph (or two), provide an overall assessment of the results of the fitness assessment. What are the client’s strengths, what are the weaknesses, what should the goals be for the exercise program? Make sure to refer back to the percentile rankings or classifications to support your statements.

G. Exercise Prescription

Each student will develop anaerobically based exercise program adhering to ACSM Guidelines for his or her client: You will provide the following information:

1. Make a statement with respect to whether your exercise prescription is going to be based on “moderate intensity exercise” or “vigorous intensity exercise”. Justify the reasons why you chose which intensity of exercise.

2. Recommend a frequency of exercise (how many days per week)

3. Recommend a duration of the exercise (minutes per day/session)

4. Recommend a specific intensity for the exercise sessions

a. Make a recommendation based on predicted heart rate maximum

i. Include the percentage range for the intensity

ii. Include the actual heart rate values for this percentage range (show calculations).

b. Make a recommendation based on heart rate reserve

i. Include the percentage range for the intensity

ii. Include the actual heart rate values for this percentage range (show calculations).

c. Make a recommendation based on VO2 reserve

i. Include the percentage range for the intensity

ii. Include the actual VO2 values for this percentage range (show calculations).

5. Provide exercise device settings for the intensity based on the VO2 reserve calculations

a. Cycle Ergometry Exercise

i. What should the Monark bike be set at to elicit the desired VO2 range based on the VO2 reserve calculations (make sure to provide setting for the low end of the VO2 range and the high end of the VO2 range) (Show all calculations)

1. Provide workload (kg×m/min and Watts)

2. Provide the resistance (kg)

3. Provide the cadence (RPMs)

b. Treadmill Exercise

i. What should the treadmill be set at to elicit the desired VO2 range based on the VO2 reserve calculations (make sure to provide setting for the low end of the VO2 range and the high end of the VO2 range) (show all calculations)

1. Provide the speed of the treadmill

2. Provide the percent grade (if any) of the treadmill

6. Provide calculations of caloric expenditure

a. Assume the client wants to expend 300 kcal during an exercise session, how long does the client need to exercise at the low and high end of the VO2 range based on the VO2 reserve calculations to expend 300 kcal? (show calculations)

Other Information

· Your project will also be graded on its neatness and organization.

· Typing or hand-writing the calculations is fine. If you choose to hand-write, please make sure that it is legible and easy to read.

· You must complete the write-up for this assignment independently. I do not want to see projects from partners that are formatted the exact same way. If this happens, you will be guilty of plagiarism and receive a 0 for the assignment.

· The project is due onMonday, December 12th at 11:59PM. There are no exceptions to this deadline. Any projects received after this deadline will result in a 0.

· Lastly, if you have questions ASK. I am happy to help, but pelase do not wait until the last second.

Muscular Fitness Data Recording Sheet

Subject Information:




63 yrs Date:



69 in Weight:

211 lbs

Assessment of Muscular Strength

Upper Body Strength:

1RM (lb): 186

Lower Body Strength:

1RM (lb): 235

Body weight (lb): Body weight (lb):

Bench Press/body weight ratio: Leg Press/body weight ratio:

Percentile Ranking: Percentile Ranking:

Assessment of Muscular Endurance

YMCA Bench Press Test: Number of repetitions: _22

Percentile Ranking:


Number of push-ups: _7

Percentile Ranking:

Trunk Forward Flexion Test (cm)

Trial 1: 22

Trial 2: 24

Trial 3: 26

Best score:


YMCA Sit-and-Reach Test (in)

Trial 1: 12

Trial 2: 12

Trial 3: 13

Best score:


Lumbar Flexion Test:

Trial 1: 3

Trial 2: 3

Trial 3: 3.25

Best score:

Within ± 0.5 inch of normal range? Yes No

Lumbar Extension Test:

Trial 1: 2

Trial 2: 2.25

Trial 3: 2.25

Best score:

Within ± 0.5 inch of normal range? Yes No