Humanities Analysis

Humanities Analysis Paper assignment sheet

Instructions: You are to write a humanities analysis based off of either one or more of the works we’ve read so far, or a work from outside of this class. The goal is not to summarize the work(s), but rather explore and explain the prominence of a theme (such as perseverance, trust, possession, etc.) or concept/term (intimacy, lust, physicality, etc.) within the work(s). Thus, you have two options in approaching this paper:

1) Analyze two works we’ve read and explain how a shared theme/concept is constructed in each of the works. Thus, explain the role of that theme/concept in each of the works, how the theme/concept helps construct the message, and/or how the different works approach that theme/concept. Focus on one unifying theme/concept between the two works, but as you present your analysis you can also note related themes/concepts (such as community → gossip) that arise. Cite specific passages/moments from each work to support your analysis.

2) Analyze a text from outside of class that clarifies and/or complicates some of the terms related to intimacy and desire we’ve touched on this semester. Thus, is there a book, film, or television show where you can read the character as asexual? Even if there are no asexual characters, are there relationships in the work that detangle and separate concepts such as attraction (aesthetic, sexual, etc.), lust, romance, physicality, intimacy, pleasure, companionship, love (agape, philia, storge, etc.) and/or arousal from one another? Or is there a work that complicates our understanding of one or more of those terms? Cite from relevant research sources (around 2-3) and link that information to specific parts of the text. The idea here is to explore one or more of the concepts above and note how your text helps shape our understanding of it.

Regardless of if you choose option 1 or 2, your paper must include a Work Cited page at the end that lists either the various texts you’ve analyzed (option 1) or the primary text and your secondary research sources (option 2). You will submit your paper electronically as either a .docx or .pdf (no pages files or google share; research how to export your files as .pdfs depending upon the writing program you use). For citation, use MLA format. As this is an analysis paper, refrain from using personal pronouns and instead display a measured and informed academic tone.

So, in short, you will either argue for the importance of a specific theme/concept in 2-3 works we’ve read OR explain how a work of your choosing helps clarify and/or complicate one of the concepts/terms related to intimacy and desire listed above.

Word count: 700 minimum (not including Work Cited); papers that receive higher grades are expected to be in the 800-1000 range (you can go over)