Social judgement based on facial appearance

Research Topic: Social judgement based on facial appearance

Research Question: How does eye region contribute to corruptibility judgement of faces.

Hypothesis: Officials corruptibility is associated with eye region

Study: We conducted an online study that gives participants the opportunity to rate officials on whether they are corruptible based off their eyes.


Opening paragraph and research topic

In the first one (or two) paragraph, the research topic should be clearly introduced or prepared.

Literature review

The background of the research topic is appropriately given. The articles cited are all relevant, appropriately cited, and with a clear purpose, i.e., to prepare for the current study.

Identify the gap in knowledge

At the end of the literature review, clearly point out the gap of the current knowledge (which should be clearly seen from the literature review), and then introduce the current study.

Introduce the current study

After identifying the gap in knowledge, the current study should be introduced as the solution to the issue raised. The connection between the current study and the literature review/critique should be smooth and logical. The current approach should be clear, concise, and directly responding to the research question.

Clarify the hypotheses

Ending the introduction with a clearly stated hypothesis, which should be supported by the reviewed literature.