Maximum Word Length: 1100 words
The overall maximum word length will be equal to 1100 words, for the whole coursework. The coursework is organised in two parts (Part A).
No strict indication on how many words devote to the first or second part are provided, as this is a decision of the student. It could be reasonable to utilise 1100 words for the first part.
– As an expert in Decision Sciences you are required to:
• Identify and select a case study – (I already choose a case study and posted it)
• Critically analyse the case study
• Produce a report presenting you analysis
– You are required to compile a detailed report following the mentioned indications:

• Have the word count given on the cover sheet
• Be presented with 2.5cm margins all round
• Use Times New Roman or Arial, 12 points for the main body text
• Use 1.5 line spacing
• Have all pages numbered except the first
• Be properly spell checked
• Be made attractive with suitable use of headings, paragraphs and sections
• Be properly referenced to Harvard referencing.

– Requirements:

Part A: Decision Support Systems in real-word management.
Identify and select a case study of your interest from the relevant literature on Decision Sciences, Operational Research and Decision Support Systems. (I choose it and posted it below) The selected case study has to present the following characteristics:
• methods and tools from Decision Sciences are adopted to cope with a semi-structured decision making problem in a real-world Company/Organisation Management;
• the design, development and implementation of an optimisation-based active Decision Support System (DSS) is described;
• measurable benefits are presented.
You are requested, as an expert in Decision Sciences, to critically analyse and produce a report on the considered case study. The following elements should be considered in your report:
• An introduction describing the real-world decision making problem considered in the selected case study, explaining why it can be considered a semi-structured decision-making problem, with an emphasis on the complexity issues that motivate the need for a DSS;
a. Semi – Structured Problem:
i. Multiple Potential actions and procedures
ii. Involvement of subjective judgement
iii. Not fully reliable and sharp information
• A synthetic description of the Data Component of the Decision Support System, discussing those characteristics of Information that you consider most relevant to your case study (one or two at most) and some details on the adopted Database Management System (when appropriate);
• An analytic description of the Model Component of the Decision Support System, including comments on the following items (when appropriate):
a. relevant class of decision/optimisation problem,
b. class of computational complexity,
c. characteristics of the model (objectives, constraints, decision variables),
d. algorithmic approaches for the solution,
e. multiple objectives/criteria, and
f. sensitivity analyses;
• A description of the main components and characteristics of the graphical user interface (GUI) (if applicable);
• A description of the measured real-world benefits arising from the application of the DSS (if applicable);
NOTE: You should use past literatures, reports and journal articles to frame your arguments, and cite relevant examples and details from real-world case studies to support your views.