2- Spirituality and Work

How important is the dignity of work in
today’s workplaces if employers want
to overcome the disengagement of
workers? Why
What lessons from the Antigonish
Movement may be relevant today?

If you had a management position and you
were asked by your organization leader to
suggest a way to improve respect for
spiritual diversity in a workplace with
people from many backgrounds, how
would you begin?

RELS 2330 Spirituality and Work
David Sable
Guidelines for Term Papers
The objective of term papers is to demonstrate that you 1) understand the lecture notes
and reading assignments, 2) can add additional research to a specific topic of interest that
you choose, and 3) integrate that knowledge with your own critical thinking and insight
based on your contemplation assignments.
1. Start by reviewing all your contemplation assignments including the question you
addressed in each class.
2. As you read over what you wrote, see if you want to elaborate on what you wrote
originally. What has changed in your thinking? What do you want to know more
The requirement here is that you expand on one or more of the weekly assignments by
including further research and your own insight. Further research should start with the
course readings. Then add external sources. (External sources need to be fully cited,
referenced at the end, and accessible in English.)
3. Write an Introduction to the term paper, explaining what you expanded on and why.
Did you find that your assignments connected with each other, or did they appear to you
more as “stand-alone” topics? Did you find the discussion and reflective inquiry each
week enhanced your understanding of the course content and if so, in what ways? If not,
what were the challenges of the online interaction? The Introduction should be
approximately 500 words.
4. Research and Analysis. The next section expands on one or more of your
contemplations. What has changed for you? What did you learn from additional
research? How would you answer the contemplation question differently? The Research
and Analysis section should be approximately 1000 words.
3. Write a Conclusion to the term paper, summarizing what was most important to you in
the course. Why was that important to you? What do you think you will remember in six
months? Did you learn anything from your peers in the interactive assignments? Was
the course valuable to you in other ways? Give examples. What were the challenges for
you in this course? The Conclusion should be approximately 500 words.
All together you are expected to write about 2000 words for your term paper, not
counting your reference list at the end.
Research Guidelines:
1. You may use Internet search engines, but cite the sources that the information
is actually coming from, not just the general repository such as Wikipedia or
secondary web sites. If you can’t tell where the information is coming from, don’t
use it in your term paper.
2. The most credible research will be in peer reviewed journals and books published
by major educational publishers. Use Novanet searches and ask the reference
librarian online for help if you need it. Librarians can be especially helpful if you
RELS 2330 Spirituality and Work
David Sable
want to research books and journal articles or do advanced searches on Novanet
or WorldCat, the interlibrary system that reaches worldwide libraries.
3. Distinguish between content that is from other sources and your own
interpretation of other sources. Cite or footnote all your sources. Ask the
online librarian for help or use a guide on how to cite sources for your reference
list at the end of your term paper. (The APA style guideline is preferred.)
4. You may include first person experience as a source of knowledge. Use the
contemplation instructions online to help you understand the implications and
consequences of what your first-person research has told you. Be sure to consider
what assumptions you make.
5. If something is unresolved or leads to more questions, don’t dismiss that, include
it in your paper. Good questions can earn as much credit as good ideas.
General Requirements:
• 2000 words, not including the cover page and a reference list at the end of the
• Page 1 is the Title page: Title of term paper; your name and A#, date. Do not
submit this as a separate file.
• Write and submit your term paper in Microsoft Word, with single line
spacing, standard font-size (Times New Roman 12 pt. or Arial 10 pt.) and 1”
• Submit term papers on Brightspace:

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