2- Policy Analysis and Recommendation

Policy Analysis and Recommendation (DRPH8170)
In this assignment, you will focus on how to effectively communicate with a target audience on current policies related to a public health problem that impacts this population. You will modify communication styles based on your intended audience to communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in public health.
Identify and evaluate a current policy related to your selected topic and discuss if it meets the current health-related needs of the target population. Make both policies and practice recommendations to alleviate the burden of the stated issue (see the guidelines for the analysis and recommendations).
Record a concise PowerPoint presentation, highlighting the key points of your policy analysis and related recommendations.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful, and consistent with expectations for professional practice in public health. Original work and critical thinking are required regarding your assignment and scholarly writing. Your writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Presentation Format and Length
Remember, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your instructor to avoid potential file compatibility issues.
Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:
• Title slide.
• Presentation title.
• Your name.
• Date.
• Course number and title.
• APA-formatted references (at the end of your presentation).
Your slide deck should consist of a minimum of 10 slides, with detailed notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone.
Appropriate font and font size for the presentation, generally 24–28 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text. For PowerPoint tips, refer to the PowerPoint Presentation library guide, linked in the resources.
Supporting Evidence
Cite at least three scholarly resources, other than the course text or assigned journal articles to support your presentation.
Policy Analysis and Recommendations Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Policy Analysis and Recommendations Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
• Analyze an existing public health policy to determine its efficacy in meeting current health-related needs.
• Describe the intent of the selected policy.
• Determine if the policy is up to date and meets the current health-related needs of the target population.
• What aspects of the intervention method worked well and did not work well?
• Provide recommendations to improve a public health policy to help the community decrease or eliminate the burden of the public health issue.
• Base recommendations on your policy evaluation and the chosen intervention for the identified problem.
• Provide a rationale and example of how the policy could help the community decrease or eliminate the burden of the public health problem.
• Describe the strengths and weaknesses of surveillance systems used to assess, monitor, and evaluate programs and population health.
• Deliver a multimedia presentation highlighting the key points of the policy analysis and related recommendations.
• Develop your presentation with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
• Support conclusions and recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
Submission Requirements
Upload your video presentation and attach the presentation slides and notes or a transcript. See the Using Kaltura document for more information about uploading media. You may submit the assignment only once, so be sure that all three assignment deliverables are included before submitting your assignment.
Proofread your presentation slides and notes or transcript before you submit them to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your presentation.
Resources: 6 sources