2- Organizational Leadership

Organizational Leadership

Guidelines and Strategies:
The student is to read the articles, Developing Leadership Character and
Transformational Change and Leader Character Additionally. The student should draw
from both articles (and site both direct quotes as well as borrowed ideas) to support the
positions and perspectives in their paper.
There are five parts to this paper. Students may divide their paper using this structure:
Part 1: How do leaders, based on the student’s own experience both past and present,
demonstrate the content and quality of their character? Why does character matter
when it comes to leadership?
Part 2: Discuss why the “4 areas of Competencies” (found in Figure 1) are critical for a
leader? Describe how the “4 areas of Competencies” apply to the student’s own
competency development.
Part 3: Using Figure 2, compare the “The ten virtues of a cross-enterprise leader” to your
own virtues at this time in your personal and professional development. Which areas
are strong, stable, and well-grounded and which areas need additional development,
exploration, and strengthening?
Part 4: Using Table 1: Good and Bad Outcomes of Presence or Absence of Virtues,
comparing the leaders you have worked with, which virtutes did the most effective
leaders embody and demonstrate, and which virtues were missing in those leaders who
were ineffective and destructive? What were the tangible and concrete outcomes of
both types of leaders?
Part 5: According to Seiitz and Gandz, in their article, Transformational Change and
Leader Character, how does the character of a leader strengthen, or sabotage, the
change process?
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Students are to write this paper in a way that can provide a strategy for their own
leadership development moving forward. In this light, students are encouraged to make
this paper both personally and professionally applicable. Additionally, students must
show critical thinking and reflective effort in this important paper.
Structure and Style:
Papers are to have a cover page, references page, and no more than 3.5-pages of
written narrative (this page total does not include the cover page and references page).
The student is strongly encouraged to keep the Turnitin “similarity index” at or below
the recommended level. All papers must adhere to the APA writing guidelines found in
the syllabus and clarified through the APA writing style at: http://www.apastyle.org/
All borrowed ideas or quotes must be supported by in-text citations. Not supporting
borrowed material (either direct quotes or ideas) with in-text citations points toward