2- Creative Music

Go back to the first week, and the four examples of Creative Music and Sound Artists and consider how the four musical artists discussed – Jocelyn Morlock, James O’Callaghan, Adam Basanta, and Nicole Lizée – are emblematic of the concept of “creative music and sound artist” as discussed in this course.

Find another artist that you also consider to be a creative music and sound artist.
Using your own words, comment upon how this artist (of your choice) demonstrates that they are creative music and sound artist, and how their work intersects with the material covered in this course.

Your final paper should be between 1500 and 2000 words (approximately 5-6 pages, 1.5 spacing 14 pt. font).

It should include references to musical examples of the artist (i.e. YouTube links, Spotify links, artist webpages, etc.);
There should only be minimal biographical information on the artist. This is not a research paper on the artist, but a discussion on how the person can be considered a creative music and sound artist;
Please do not rely upon other writer’s opinions – as always, we are much more interested in your personal ideas. However, if you do use external information, you must reference other people’s ideas properly;
You should consider many of the modules in this course in your discussion of the artist, but you do not need to discuss every module in relation to the artist!
Lastly, the paper should highlight your original thoughts, and display critical thinking. In other words, do not simply restate material from the modules, or rely on other people’s opinions! Apply what you’ve learned to this material.

As always, we will apply the following rubric while grading: and

Terminology : Uses the terminology learned in the course correctly (uses critical language);

Content : Demonstrates a synergistic understanding of the material;

Creativity : Demonstrates bold, innovative thinking grounded in the theory and methods of this class;

Thinking : Demonstrates a rigour and high level of engagement

Writing : Writes concisely and accurately.