2- Decision Making Process

As you approach your Project Three submission for this course, it is important to think about your strategy for making your presentation to stakeholders. Your goal is to make the decision process easier and more efficient for those stakeholders.

Review the Planning a Presentation graphic from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations and think about how you will address each aspect of the presentation-development process. In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

What suggestions can you make about your peers’ strategies for their presentations to help engage the stakeholders in the conversation? How would you suggest addressing questions, comments, and general feedback? Peer 1: “Hello Class,

I will make sure I completely understand each point, so it comes across as the right information. Doing the research; doing the planning, is so important. I will back up my points with real hard data that is indisputable. Making a presentation on just the important point i want to get across, avoids stakeholders getting lost in the extra information. People want to feel involved, and so allowing counterarguments and questions is a good way to open up. I will be sure to understand enough information to think on my feet in those conversations.

In order to illustrate the story and stay relevant, I will use graphs and charts. I will make sure the titles, and labels make sense. I will make it so there is no question about what is being measured and the quantities. The most simplistic examples tend to get the job done. If you have to many bells and whistles, stakeholders may get confused. I will make it simple and easy to understand. ” Peer 2: “It’s always very important to make sure you understand who your audience is. Once you have established who your audience is you can start planning and researching for your presentation.

I will make sure my presentation points out all the important information I am wanting my audience to know and understand. I believe using graphs or charts will help my audience understand my story. I am a very visual person, and I believe graphs are a great source to use when wanting to catch the audience attention and to have them understand my presentation as well.” In each peer, you only need to write 4-5 sentences replying to each post., only 1 page (275 words) needed to reply to both peers. Links to “Planning a Presentation” graphic from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (https://eds-s-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/eds/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=e6778798-8bf2-4bea-a278-f8ca1abec4a3%40redis&ppid=Page-__-12&vid=0&format=EK).