Book Review

Assignment Description / Instructions:

· Select one of the works of literature (either the short story or the poem) from the list below and write a complete five paragraph essay. Only one specific support (PIE) is required for each main point . Remember, you must use direct quotes, properly cited, from the text as an illustration in your specific supports.

· Your essay will probably be 1 ½ to 2 pages in length.

· Follow MLA format. Proofread, revise, and then turn in your essay

Mid-term topic selections:

Short Story Analysis: The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, p458 in Lit.


Poetry Explication: The Tyger by William Blake p 912 in Lit.

Assignment Goals:

· To write a college level short story analysis or poetry explication essay in MLA format.

· To develop a concise theme connected to human nature, culture, or society.

· To identify major elements of fiction or poetry used to support your theme.

· To articulate specific supports, with direct quotes from the poem, that back the major points and theme of the paper.

Grading Criteria:

· Is the paper clearly written and well organized?

· Is there a clearly developed theme?

· Are specific supports presented in the ‘PIE’ format with direct quotes from the short story or poem used as illustrations?

· Proper MLA format and citation of pages in the short story or line numbers from the poem?

· Evidence of proofreading/ editing