Literature Review

Dear Writer 563111,
Hi, I slightly modified and changed the research question compared to the previous work you did for me. I would like you to write and compose the methodology answering the research question. Keeping Hustyi et al. (2012) article as a model, please write a study extension based on group composition. As an extension to the previous article, I would like these three experimental conditions included in the methodology section.
1. Solitary (control), would the participant be on the playground by themselves. This condition would be the control as if we are controlling the presence or influence of peers by having the child on the playground alone.
2. One-On-One Peer, where the participant would be on the playground with another peer (just one peer).
3. Group of Peers, where the participants would be on the playground with three other peers.
The three conditions could be rapidly alternated in a multielement fashion, just like Hustyi et al. (2012). Please keep moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) as a dependent variable.
Again, it is important to use Hustyi et al. (2012) as a model for the method section, as the key difference would be in the procedures described.

Please develop a three pages methodology based on the three categories above while describing how to address or answer the research question. That is, please follow the template bellow and include relevant information for the following sub-section of the method.

Participants and Setting
• Participant demographics
• Inclusion and exclusion criteria
• Describe the location for all conditions
• Description of recruitment procedures
• Any material resources. I think we can use a stop watch and laptop for graphing.
Response Definition and Measurement
• Operational Definitions
• Measurement Strategies (i.e., how will the data be collected)
• Descriptions of IVs and DVs
• Interobserver agreement (IOA; e.g., For which behavior(s)? How often? Calculation used?)
• Descriptions of how treatment integrity will be assessed
• Description of observer training
Experimental Design and Procedures (This is the most important section as it pertains to this course)
• Description of experimental design to be used to assess the effect of the IV on the DV. Be sure to include an explanation of how a functional relationship can be demonstrated. This is important as this will, in a sense, be the answer to your research question)
• Description of procedures for baseline and experimental conditions
• Again, the technological dimension assumes this information should be written in the level of detail where a competent behavior analyst could read the description and replicate the procedure without consultation
Social Validity
• Descriptions of social validity measures
As a reminder, keep things simple and use the Hustyi et al. (2012) method as a model for much of the content that will be found in the method.
Lastly, please develop 3 pages result and discussion. All writings must follow an APA format.
I am sending you the updated version of the Introduction, a copy of Hustyi et al. (2021) article, and the instruction for the methodology ( 3 pages), result and discussion (3- 4 pages).
NOTE: If possible, will you please send me the methodology section once you’re done so I can read them. Thank you so much for all your help.
Best Regards,
The exhausted student/mom