2- Meta-Analysis Article Review

Participation Lecture 13: Meta-Analysis Article Review
INSTRUCTIONS: Individually answer each question. Provide complete sentences (not just a yes or no). Next, discuss and critique the article with your fellow class members in the discussion forum. See last page for example scripts.
Overall Questions on the Study:
1. Were the objectives of the study clearly stated?
2. Were clinically relevant and focused study questions included?
3. Were the funding source(s) stated?
Literature Review Section:
4. Was a comprehensive literature search conducted?
5. Did the authors include the key search terms they used in conducting their search?
Methods Section:
6. Did they provide the number of studies from which they abstracted data?
7. Did they discuss any disagreements listed between studies?
8. Did they provide characteristics of studies listed (i.e., sample size, participant demographics, etc.)?
Evaluation of Results Section:
9. What statistical method was utilized to combine results?
10. Was a sensitivity analysis conducted?
11. Were the study findings clearly presented and generalizable?
Discussion Section:
12. What did the authors findings suggest?
13. Can you think of any other possible limitations to this study?
14. Do you see any conflicts of interest?

Lastly, contribute to the class discussion on your overall thoughts on the article.
Example scripts of discussion with group members:
“Hey group, did you think their sampling method lead to a bias sample?”

“I liked the authors research design in particular I liked how they ________.”

“I felt the authors could have done a better job of explaining ________.”