2- Nursing

Clinical Scenario:
As a 3rd year BSc Nursing student on an acute mental-health unit you witnessed the physical restraint of Patrick (pseudonym). He was a 56-year-old patient with a dual-diagnosis of mental illness and acquired brain injury resulting in diminished decision-making capacity. Prior to the restraint, Patrick repeatedly declined his prescribed oral medications stating, “I don’t need these tablets”. Alison, the registered nurse on duty, informed you how, on previous occasions Patrick’s non-compliance resulted in increased confusion and agitation. According to Alison, physical restraint was necessary to administer medication to Patrick via intramuscular injection to prevent further deterioration of his mental state.
At the time of the restraint, you observed how Patrick displayed no hostility or aggression, nor had he expressed intent to harm himself or others. However, Patrick reacted to the restraint episode emotively and aggressively by attempting to strike nursing staff resulting in an additional restraint and a subsequent seclusion.

Identify and critically analyse one professional, one disciplinary nursing knowledge (i.e., what nursing knowledge does a nurse bring to this situation) and one teaching and learning issue that you would consider relevant to you as third year nursing student, specific to this scenario.

Briefly outline the focus of the assignment (200 words approx.)

Professional Issues
In this section of the assignment, you should draw on Unit 1: Professional Issues content on canvas, NMBI documents AND academic nursing literature (from databases such as CINAL, PubMed in order to identify and critically discuss one professional issue applicable to the above scenario. (300 words approx.)

Teaching & learning
In this section of the assignment, you should draw on Unit 2 Teaching and Learning content on canvas AND your reading of the relevant academic nursing literature to identify and critically discuss one issues specific to teaching and learning in relation to the above scenario. (300 words approx.)

Development of Disciplinary Nursing Knowledge
In this section of the assignment, you should draw on Unit 3 Disciplinary Nursing Knowledge content on canvas AND your reading of the relevant academic nursing literature to identify and critically discuss one issues specific to the development of the discipline of nursing in relation to the above scenario. (300 words approx.)

Bring the assignment to a clear and logical finish briefly reiterating the issues that have been discussed and their importance for current and future clinical practice. (200 approx.)
(Note: the remaining word count can be allocated as you see fit).