Supervise Civil Works

Assessment RIICWM401E Supervise Civil Works
How to complete this Assessment:
1. To complete this assessment, research and reading will be required.
Research could include research of your own organisation to determine processes, procedures, policies and plans that may be required. Other research into current practices for your industry and academic theory may also be required.
2. Please read all the information given to you including the Student Handbook and other Help Documents before you start your Qualification.
3. For each unit, read the whole assessment before starting your responses. Ensure you check with your Trainer that you are on the right track before going too far in your assessment.
4. Refer to your training plan for the assessment due date and correct order to complete this unit.
5. View and download your assessment from your Online Student Area.
6. When completing your Assessment, please ensure ALL work is your own. If a piece of evidence or work is partially created by another person, please make a note of this in your submission.
7. If you need to talk with your Trainer, call 1800 998 500 to book an appointment. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or need further clarification or understanding, please contact your Trainer.
8. Upload your assessment into the task submission area with any additional evidence required. Ensure that you write the minimum number of sentences when a written answer is required, giving a good explanation to show your understanding or skills in relation to the topic.
9. When you have been notified that your assessment is marked go to the Online Student Area for your Trainer’s responses to your work. If you need to make any changes to your assessment, please do so and resubmit.
If you need help with any of the above, view your help documents on the Online Student Area or call 1800 998 500.
*Please see Assessment Requirements on back page.
Tasks included in this Assessment Portfolio include:
 Task 881 – Plan and Prepare to Supervise Civil Works
 Task 882 – Initiate Civil Works Tasks
 Task 883 – Oversee the Execution of Tasks
 Task 884 – Other Explanations
 Task 885 – Observation and report

Task 881 – Plan and Prepare to Supervise Civil Works
Using a Civil Construction project that you have worked and supervised others on;
T881.1 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you prepare a job plan with relevant team members, and identify and ensure the best use of the available resources to complete the work.

Firstly, you will need to identify the types of work involved as per the “Scope” to understand what resources,materials, budgets and schedule will need to be involved to further develop a Work Breakdown Structure will the deliverable outcomes as well as the tasks involved to deliver them on time.
After working this out we then need to think compliance and what documentation is required to have before commencing work such as contract details,approvals (Project has formally been agreed on and signed), public liability insurances, community consultation ( if they’re will disruptions), dial before you dig plans, Traffic Management Plans, site plans including specifications Geo technical data,soil and rock types, haulage routes, waste disposal, suppliers to provide materials, hydro-logical data and environmental data including cultural and heritage sites, endangered flora in the area etc.
We also need to understand what each teams members roles and responsibilities are and a list of trained component operators on site and other accreditation such as White card, chainsaw, chemical applications etc , as well as using well maintained plant/equipment (pre-operational checks, knowing the capabilities of the equipment), this well ensure quality assurances and safety.
At this stage we might implement a “Procurement Officer” and a “Contract Manager” to work along side each other to monitor the progress of the contract requirements and the ordering of materials (to keep within the organisational policies)
Next bring in all members involved in the project from team leaders, team members, Managers etc to discuss the contract details and the acquired resources (Project initiation, planning details, WHS/legislative documents required,site specific procedures/policies, Execution details, inclusions,exclusions,assumptions and information on monitoring/reviewing/controlling phases throughout and the closure stage). We will discuss in details the engineering design and survey results to understand the the specifications and requirements/ tasks to needed to be completed to achieve these such as Site preparation,load and haulage, sediment controls,compaction, line,grades and level control, surfacing finishing, communication (through two-way and sign one/off folder), emergency point/keep clear areas etc. If a sub-contractors are involved they would need a full site induction and need to sign on and off the work site, we then will discuss all the same documentation, but we would ask them to sign the inclusion, exclusion, assumption and the Project Management Plan to formally agree. Also we need to discuss the “Change of Scope” procedures and reporting lines. By having all involved in the project in the meeting, we can gain more knowledge, understand different technologies and techniques to determine best practise. This meeting is a meeting where minutes are taken and documented, after the meeting the members involved are to sign the minutes to agree what was stated and talked about as per the project scopes, deliverables, tasks, time-frames etc.
To ensure to the best use of available resources to complete the work, we can determine this by comparing the engineering survey results and the specifications of the work (include the specifications on materials) to the overall scope and the Work Breakdown structure we then can allocate costings to the acquired resources, determined the scheduling and what materials will need to be delivered onsite and the timing of the the deliveries.

T881.2 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you would access, interpret and apply civil works documentation and ensure the work is compliant.
Accessing Civil work documentation, I would access the contract to determine the scope and goals for the project of which will outline requirements and specifications including the inclusions, exclusions and assumptions. I would request the Project Initiation Document, requested a training record (VOC) of team members this can be used to identify roles and responsibilities. A site map and the current requirement including under ground service lines, environment plans (sediment controls, protect flora in the area, extraction plans), this will also included approvals from local authorities to work within in the area (Haulage moment route, S138 approvals, waste disposal, waterway location etc), Traffic management plans, insurances, emergency site, communication channel, site specific protocols etc. Engineering Surveying will be performed before undertaking the project and the data collected will help you analysis the following;
– Site Geo technical Data including Rock and Soil types
– Site Hydro-logical Data
– Site Meteorological Data
Then engineering surveying will processed during the project to help with the following;
– Drainage Pipes installed at the right place to have the correct fall
– Embankment construction – fill layers are placed correctly
– Construction of structures- to meet strict conformed requirements.

By understanding the terminology within the contract/compliance documents will ensure you are complaint for example:
Should- Indicates a preferred course of action, you will need to justify if you change the course action
Consider- Means that you have a choice of action
Must,Requires and Mandatory- All means that the action is a legal requirement.
As a supervisor you must know the statutory compliance’s and forward the requirements per tasks to the team leaders and the teams.
Compliance requirements may be similar such as WHS requirements but environmental conditions, work process and tasking being undertaken will and can change throughout the course of work. Always monitor and review and if changes need to be made they can be changed but all team members will need to be made aware and agree. You should be monitor the tasks performance from start – finishing to make sure we are staying compliant as per specifications and performing tasks safely as per WHS requirements

BY Implementing the following documentation we can ensure we stay compliant;
Administrative Requirements – Specific training to understand your roles and responsibilities within the organisation and there requirements, procedures and tasks. Team member site inductions and tool meeting to have a sign on sheet and sign out sheet..
Contract Requirements – Understand the duty of statement of your position, the task being performed by the position, the purpose of why the tasks are performed and the manner/schedule of which they are performed. You required by legislation to follow the requirements and procedures within the agreeable and signed contract.
Employing a representative to monitor how the contract is being managed through the project can help, they will need to informed if problems arise but never approach the officer unless you have relevant authority and if the surveillance officer makes changes to the scope/ tasks also ask for a written confirmation before implementing them.

T881.3 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you would obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements and then share this information with your team members.
Obtain- Obtain work requirements from the organisation through the means of a contract or Project Management Plan with will outline the Scope of work, specifications/requirements, objectives/goals, budgets and deadlines. The Site plan will including the engineering survey data collected as previously stated.
Interpret- The work requirements by reviewing and analysing the Projects deliverables/tasks vs the engineering survey data of each location for example;
Geological Data will help understand the types of soil and rock within the area will help with planning the work breakdown structures and materials/resources required for example clay soils take longer to excavate and more materials required to stabilize clay areas. Different soil types also have difference tonnages/weights per cubic metre for example; Lime stone 2.6t per m3

Clarify and confirm – This data by site engineering survey and soil/rock testings of site

Interpret- Hydro-logical Data, by understanding this data you can ensure correct drainage of the site, control erosion and sediment related issues that effect waterways and water dwelling flora/fauna.
Clarify and Confirm- Historical maps, plans of natural water paths, visual inspections of the area to identify water pooling areas and engineering surveying data to conform gradients and slopes of the site.

Interpret – Meteorological data, can help plan activities/tasks more productively and efficiently with the risk not meeting the deadlines due to a delay in work or working fails caused by the weather for example;
Stabilizing Heavy Patching work has been undertaken and heavy the rain has starting to fall, this will impact the compaction and will require an increase in additive quantities and labour hours therefore an increase of expenditure and a decrease in the likelihood of stabilizing the patch correctly.
Clarify and Confirm- .Local averages for Meteorological data on websites such as the Bureau of Meteorology. Monitor the weather reports each day and look at the Radar and use on site weather stations.

By discussing the engineering data with all members involved in the project before commencing and monitoring through the stages of the project it will help with the overall success in completion.
Also by outlining the roles and responsibilities of each team per stage you can target more specific information to each area for example; the Drainage crew would utilise the survey data to determine the correct placement of pipes to allow for maximum drainage, the road geometry will need to be discussed with the Grader Operator to understand the gradient requirements, Asphalt team will need to know the correct type of Asphalt to install and to lay it correctly according to the specifications. Road Geometry will also need to be updated after the completion of works, this information can be forward to the organisation so they can update there Asset Registers
Data collected can also be helpful in the determining the ongoing maintenance schedule or to indicate potential problems, by understanding the site geological data, the material properties be used and the manner they have been implement to meet the specifications ( site testing for example density testings for compaction). We can then develop future work plans and determine the life expectations of the site.

T881.4 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you would identify and address potential risks, hazards and environmental issues, and implement control measures including selecting and wearing personal protective equipment.
Identify- A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm, while a risk is the likelihood of the harm taking place, based on the exposure to the hazard.
Address- Before the commencement of work, during the operational activities and after care/hours of work, hazards and risks will need to be identified as per the risk assessments, controlled as per the hierarchy of controls, discussed and information be made available as per toolbox talks, Safe Operating Procedures, Site specific requirements as outlined by the organisational requirements and site issues, PPE, Training competencies. By having your workers understanding the hazard identification, risk matrix and the hierarchy of controls of which are;
Elimination- Physical Remove Hazard
Substitution- Replace the hazard
Engineering- Isolate people from the hazard
Administrative – Change the way people work
PPE- Protect workers with equipment.

Environmental issues such as Site Cultural and Heritage grounds will need to be Identified through the Department of Primary Industries, Lands and Local Government Councils, Heritage societies. To implement controls of identified issues you can employ/appoint a Cultural & Heritage Officer that will access the area prior, during and after works have been completed.
Controls might also include tagging and mapping out protected flora on site and isolating cultural/heritage areas by temporary fencing and signage.
Task 882 – Prepare team members to execute tasks
Continuing to use a Civil Construction project that you have worked and supervised others on;

T882.1 Explain in 4-6 sentences what engineering survey principles you would use to set out the work to be undertaken.
Surveying level points will help to lay drainage pipes correct at the correct to allow for maximum drainage that if not performed correctly will allow water to pool along the road and roadside of which can weaken the pavement and create problem further down the track. By establishing control lines we can then implement stages to cut and fill areas to meet the specification of the slope and gradients.Establishing the cleared width will determine the earthwork requirements such as the area that will need to cleared and grub, how much top soil to take away, creating contours and drainage.
Construction of structures will need to meet the strict conformance requirements such as formation of drain lines, compaction activities, testing, pavement layers, gradients widths of roadways, verges etc. Prior to using leveling equipment it is important we correctly calibrate the equipment before operating as per the Manufacturers Specifications.
Road Geometry will be mapped out before, during and upon completion to determine if the all measurements are compliant to the specifications.
Before we undertook the stabilizing heavy patching works, I accessed the site by driving and investigating the site locations and compare the sites to the hydro-logical data that has been collected previously, I took into account the Geo technical data and looked at the soil structures and the rock type within the location to understand what additives need to be added to the soil to get the correct compaction and binding. I would measure the area out and mark it our with marking paint and place a number ( for scheduling the work), the direction (Traffic Lane direction), and the location (Chainage).
Taking the information back to the office you can then start to build a schedule of work , resources and materials required, time-frames and an overall Work Breakdown Structure, but we will need to look at the annual meteorological data to determine the best time to undertake the project.
By analysing the data collected we can discuss issues of the project that we might need to address with the all the members involved through a team briefing for instance we might need to raise a section of road by adding more fill or place larger culvert and pipes in section to allow for more drainage (as per the design), we might need to increase the additives to the soil such as lime/gypsum to help stabilize or implement environmental controls in an area where there is a increase risk to erosion.

T882.2 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you set out tasks and then issue clear and timely instructions to ensure the work gets done correctly.
Set out tasks- Set out tasks via the Work Breakdown Structure including deliverables and tasks or Civil Sequencing is also a tool to set out tasks.
The planning stage prior to commencing the operational side of the work is the most important, this includes developing a Project Initiation Document including the Project details, site inductions, organisational and legislative requirements, roles and responsibilities, specifications of the project, site plan, insurances,we also need to keep all signed approvals within this document.
Initiation stage – This is an onsite induction with team members to discuss the details of project and works included, all WH&S documentation will be discussed, reviewed by all team members and signed off. Does haulage routes, stock pile locations and waste disposal. Mark out the service locations as per outlined in the site map.

Implementation stages;
Earth Work
– Mark out site (if not previously done)
– Clear and grub vegetation (Checking environmental sensitive areas)
– Top soil removed
– Create Contours and drains
– Form drain lines
– Form out areas to be worked in
– Test Drainage systems
– Lay pipes, drains and culverts
– Back fill
Roadwork construction
– Formation of drain lines
– Cut and Fill
– Review against the plans
– Rip, mix, Pad foot ( test compaction), grade (blade and flat roll), Density test,Vibration roll, Asphalt etc
– You will need to test , monitor and review each activity to make sure it is aligning with the specifications
We need to review the actually time taken to meet each activity vs the estimated time frames to review not only the progression of work but also keep in control of expenditure to stay within the budgets.

Task 883 – Oversee the Execution of Tasks
Continuing to use a Civil Construction project that you have worked and supervised others on;
T883.1 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you monitor civil works tasks to confirm they are being undertaken safely, effectively and efficiently.
By monitoring the task requirements throughout the project, you can review/compare them against the deliverables with the estimated activity times frames vs the actual time the activities are taking to meet the deliverable.
Other tasks requirements to monitor;
Personnel / Workers performance requirements by selecting and assigning the most appropriate plant, equipment and trained/skilled employees. This means there will be an increase in efficiency and safety by having qualified operators performing pre operational checks on the equipment, knowing the capabilities of the equipment, performing hazard and risk assessments and implement the hierarchy of controls will ensure work is carried out safely and effectively. Being a supervisor is it your duty to inspect the work site and monitor/review the completed risk assessments on tasks, correct signage and notification are installed and displayed for example high vis, hard hats, plant movement, hearing protections, delivery site marks out, site office/ access, traffic management plans in place, environmental controls have been installed, staff are taking regular breaks and operational ready (not under the influence of alcohol/drugs or fatigue).
During the operational work the following will also need to be monitored:
Engineering Survey Monitoring- To ensure work is conducted in accordance with the engineering requirements and specifications.
Site sampling and testing- Monitor work to ensure it meets the base levels meet the standards/ specifications.
Observing construction practices to ensuring the procedures are adhered to or you might need to adjust them to meet site specific practices. Record these findings into a work diaries, reports etc.
General Supervision of day-to-day tasks will ensure your team is doing the expected tasks in the expected manner.
Monitoring of tasks will assist in determining whether required outcomes are being achieved, this can derive from the following;
– Task specifications, how the tasks are to be completed
– Drawing requirements
-Coordination requirements, could be between individuals members or between groups
Waste management requirements by monitoring the schedules to ensure tasks are being completed and on time to allow for the next sequence,
Cost requirements, both individuals costs for different tasks and activities and the cost of the overall project.

T883.2 Explain in 4-6 sentences how during the construction you make adjustments to the civil works processes or construction plan to ensure project is correctly constructed in a timely manner.

We can implement changes to the civil work practice and to the job plan are required through out all phases of the project to ensure the safety of personnel onsite or to help achieve the required outcome.
Changes can be made spontaneous in response to developing site conditions, safety issues, or may be a planned adjustments. We need to verbally discuss the changes to the team members and make notes formally in the job plans, Work instructions, Process directions or even adjusted the Safe Work Method Statements and have the manager or site supervisor agree and sign it off.
Planned adjustments are; Equipment changes, Personnel changes, Safety concerns, changes in material, changes in processes etc.

T883.3 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you oversee and ensure the plant, equipment and tools maintenance is carried out and recorded within any manufacturer specifications.
As a supervisor we are responsible to ensure that all plant. Equipment, tools and personnel are in good condition and operational ready to use and are safe or will not impose a danger to others. Maintenance records are required for plant, equipment and tools, these need to be checked as per the manufacturers specifications, records and logs are completed in accordance with site requirements and manufacturers specification. By reviewing the activities and the scheduling activities we can make alerts in our calenders to check the equipment/plant/tools have had the maintenance record checked and completed. At council we have a software called “Plant Assessor” and it is on every team members iPhone or iPad , the software has all our equipment and plant on it with the plant number and the details of it plus a check list of items to check and tick before the equipment can be used. The supervisor can monitor and review the records each morning to access if they have been completed or not or if an item has been identified of having a defect and then we can tag it out our service and send it to the mechanics or have mechanics on site, if this occurs we will have review the scheduling and activities for the day or acquire equipment or plant from other areas which will ensure minimal down time, less breakdowns and therefore greater safety, productivity and efficiency.

T883.4 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you oversee and ensure clearing of the work site and disposal or recycling of materials as required in the construction plan.
We need to follow the Environment protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and seek advice/Assessments /approvals from local councils and local lands councils.
By reviewing the construction plan and the engineering survey data prior to commencing work to identify environmentally sensitive/ cultural/ heritage sites are marked and will be isolated/protected/reinstated as per the environment management plans, your unsure contact the Local Lands Council.
Before clearing the area we need to implement;
1. Erosion, runoff and sediment controls are in place in the correct location
2. Protection of native Fauna- checked by Local Lands Council, Local councils or Wildlife officers.
3. Air quality wont be effected- minimising dust by keeping haulage routes and fills moist.
4. Hazardous substances are- limited and All chemicals (including fuel and oil) are to be stored in the appropriate areas , MDS’s on site and spill kits plus a chemical register
5. Water quality monitoring shall be carried out upstream and downstream
6.Vegetation – Areas of vegetation defined by the superintendent will be protected and maintained
during construction and Areas to be cleared will be clearly defined on site with tree-spot marking paint.
The hold point must be signed of prior to clearing.
7.Waste is to be stored in container. Waste is to be
separated, if possible, for recycling. Supervisor and Team leaders will monitor the amount of all
waste generated and the disposal location, to ensure that all waste is disposed of
legally. Re-use of existing pavement materials and excavated materials will be proposed,
where applicable, to reduce the volume of waste generated. Timber recovered from
demolished bridges during the project will be disposed of in consultation with the
principal, and may be used to provide fauna habitat, mulched for rehabilitation, or
removed off site. (
8. Noise Control- “All plant and equipment used on the project must be fitted with silencers that are in
good working order; all plant is to be serviced on a regular basis. Working hours are
to be strictly adhered to, including any local government requirements”
9. Vibration- vibration receptors will be installed and monitoring undertaken when work is
undertaken within 60m of any building. A condition survey will also be undertaken
of the same properties before work commences. All properties likely to be affected
by vibration will be notified 48 hours prior to commencement of work
10. Restrict Access- Restrict access to the area so only authorised personnel can access, could use fencing or cones etc
11. Contamination – Having designated fueling areas completing investigation of the site prior, during and after to identify any presence of any contamination such as fuels, oils, lubricants, solids or liquid waste removed from site to the current disposal site.
T883.5 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you complete and submit proper written and verbal reports.
The information that will need to be in the report will depend on the initial audience intended, this will also determine the length and complexity of the report. If the audience is unfamiliar with the processes that used on your site, you should give a brief overview of that has been done and why. The reports will cover every aspect of that tasks your team has completed from the following;
– Productivity Report
– Materials used
– Environment reports
– Machinery Maintenance
– Quality assurance
– Safety reports
Pre-populated forms/ templates will make reporting processes quicker but you can miss important details out because of them. Verbal reports can be over the phone to supervisors this could include contacting them to discuss the environmental report/conditions while on site. Every organisation, site and tasks have different needs and requirements that you will need to adjust your reporting procedures to meet the requirements.

T883.6 Explain in 4-6 sentences how you recommend improvements the work being undertaken to ensure the project construction requirements are met. I.e. who to and how would you do this.
I would recommend improvements / recommended changes be made by monitoring the task requirements and methods used by our team by reviewing on site with inspections, testing/sampling and reviewing progress against the engineering survey data..
If changes need to be made to improve safety, efficiency and effectiveness of the civil works programs I would discuss the ideas with the teams involved including management and follow the Change of Scope procedures as per the detailed in the Project Initiation Document, I would then write a report based on the change recommended, why I have made the change and then present an argument of which will detail actions to solve the issue, what will happen if we don’t make the changes, what are the benefits of the changes, what effects the change will have on costs, resources, scheduling and deadlines. Some organisations will require you to write an executive summary of the report which is 10% of the final report and will summarise the entire report, stating the problem, solution and the benefits.

Task 884 – Other Explanations
Continuing to use a Civil Construction project that you have worked and supervised others on;
T884.1 List the sequence of processes that occur in civil works construction from Mobilisation to Demobilisation

1.The early stages of civil works are the initiation
 Feasibility and programming- developing a Project Management Plan
 Contract requirements and specifications
2.Planning stage;
 preparing at least one job plan, including:
 human resource requirements
 plant and machinery requirements
 construction materials requirements
 sub-contractor support requirements
 waste disposal requirements
 coordination requirements
 activity scheduling
 materials delivery scheduling
 risk assessment and management requirements
 occupational health and safety requirements
 quality management requirements, including testing scheduling requirements
 traffic management requirements
 environmental requirements
 task monitoring requirements
 task performance monitoring requirements
 communication requirements
 reporting requirements
3. Design stage-
“The next phase in a typical construction and maintenance project is the design. Surveyors will physically visit the site and use laser technology to pinpoint the alignment, shape, and direction of the road. Location, terrain and soil properties, potential water access and drainage issues, and the potential for future expansion in the immediate physical vicinity are all addressed during this portion of the project, as well as potential impact on nearby residents”

Traditional Road Construction and Maintenance in 6 Easy Steps

4. Pre-construction and procurement stage;
Marking out the site, implement environmental controls for example sediment controls, protecting and highlighting environmentally sensitive areas, plans access routes for deliveries, outline haulage routes and seeking approvals on roads, stock piling areas, waste disposal procedures etc. Procurement is getting the budgets and costings agreed on when purchasing materials and acquiring resources, materials or sub-contractors. Site induction/ briefing with all staff and signing all the WH&S and other organisational/ site specific documentation.
5. Earthworks- as previously stated in T882.2, monitoring the task requirements and methods through out all stages is critical to the success of the project.
6. Laying pavement (Road construction) as previously stated in T882.2
7. Drainage as per previously stated in T882.2
8. Quality controls/testings all specifications have been checked and are compliant
9. Site Clean up
10. Completion reports and Closing

T884.2 Explain the how civil works quantities of materials or men or machinery are estimated.
We can estimate the materials ,staff/operators required and the machinery based on the scope of work, the objectives and the activities required to complete the project.
We need to first know the dimensions of the work site before we can start to calculate the following;
Area, Volumes, Percentages, Grade and Resource Consumption’s.
By knowing the materials used such as Granite we then can determine how much is required in volume for example;
Area = 20m x 4m = 80m
Volume = 20m x 4m x 0.5m = 40m3
Tonnage of Granite required = 2.6t x 40 =104t
Percentages we can use to estimate how much of material needs to stocked pile per location for example
45% of load is required to be dumped at stock pile 1 and the rest at stock pile .
(1000 x 45) /100 = 45000
45000 / 100 = 450kg required at stockpile 1
Stockpile 2 = 450 – 1000 = 550kg
Grade as per the specifications outlined will need to be known to the staff who use leveling equipment and can be determined by Rise over Run or Rise / Run/
Resource consumption – supply rates- how much material is used or consumed and how quickly can it be resupplied either from another site or external supplier
T884.3 Explain what each of the following road geometry aspects are designed to do.

Cross fall: the convexity provided to the road surface in the transverse direction, to drain off rainwater is known as camber or cross fall or cross slope
Horizontal Curve: Those curves that change the alignment or direction are known as horizontal curves, the curves provide a gradual change in direction of which is a safety feature

Vertical Curves: A vertical curve provides a transition between two sloped roadways, allowing a vehicle to negotiate the elevation rate change at a gradual rate rather than a sharp cut.

Super elevation: To keep pressure on two wheels equally to prevent overturning or skidding

T884.4 Explain what the following drainage requirements on a civil construction site are designed to do.
Subsoil Drains: Drains are designed to remove excess water that has percolated through to the underlying sub-grade , this is to prevent failure in the pavement caused by deterioration cause by the pooling water. Different drainage sizes/spacing/ depth placements are required in different soil structures such as sandy soils will drainage spacing can be further apart then clay based soils and at increase depth.
Culverts: are pipes that allow water to flow underneath a road way, normally placed on low spots. Culverts need to be able to withstand the weight of the vehicles travelling over it and allow the correct amount of water to flow through without over topping the road way causing flooding or a risk of cars “aqua planning”. Determine factors to install the correct culvert are;
1. Head water- depth of flow upstream
2. Cross sectional area of the pipe barrel
3. Shape of the barrel
4. The configuration of the culvert inlet
5. The roughness/texture of the barrel
6. Length of the barrel
7. Slope on installation normally angled at 1-3 degrees
8. Tail water- depth of flow downstream
Culverts basically help control the inlet of water and the outlet water underneath the road water. Please note for quality assurances all precast pipes need to be checked prior to installation to meet the AS 4058 and AS 4139, checking spigots and socket conditions per pipe and if working on an RMS contracted roadway, box culvert need to be compliant with specification R16 or B80.
Table drains: Table drains are excavated open channels that a built parallel to roads, they constructed with a flat bottom generally 0.5m – 1.0m wide base. They are designed to direct runoff disposal areas further down the slope to meet the Mitre Drains. Only to be used when natural runoff is not possible. Will need consent inspection due to growing vegetation in table drains can restrict flow rates.

Storm water Drainage: Manages the environment impacts through directing rainfall away from the traffic lanes or road ways. The foundations will need to checked prior to laying pipes for explain checking soil conditions of the base foundation, adding soil of low plasticity indexes for the pipes to be laid on, compacting layers no exceeding 150mm, check the compaction rate (if RMS it needs to be 95%-100%) laying pipes from downstream – upstream, checking the diameters of the pipes and the class of pipes meets the specifications, sockets placed uphill. Head-walls and cutoff walls needs to constructed to prevent piping, this is where water can get in under the bedding and creatures failures and moments of the pipe. Need to check the final structure with a CCTV.

Task 885 – Observation and Report
The form on the following page needs to be completed.
Please print off the Observation and Report form on the last 2 pages of this document and give it to your boss, superior or someone who can vouch for your skills in these areas. You may need to give it to a number of people as 1 person may have not seen you do all these activities.
Important Notes:
• All aspects of the information must be completed using 1 or more forms and people who can vouch for your skills and have seen you undertake these tasks correctly at least 2 times.
• The person completing the form must complete all personal data and sign the form for what they can vouch for. We will be contacting them to confirm these details.
Please call the office if you are unsure of what you must do 1800 998 500.

*Assessment Requirements

Complete ALL assessment tasks, projects and questions to a Satisfactory standard, ensuring that you provide enough evidence for your Assessor to prove that you are competent in the unit.
Complete this Assessment which involves research and other activities that will make sure you have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit.
Each assessment task is designed to assess your understanding and skills of the unit.
Sometimes activities may be available that will help you understand the why’s and the how’s – the theories and techniques – and to enrich your skills so that they are transferable to other situations.
If you do NOT complete some sections of a task or provide enough details etc., your evidence will be deemed Not Satisfactory, meaning that more evidence is required.
Your Assessor will then ask you to provide ‘More Evidence’, so that you can resubmit your assessment or ask you some further questions. You are allowed to resubmit your assessment evidence up to 3 times before you are deemed Not Yet Competent for the unit – Please refer to Global Training Institute Handbook, found on our website, for more details.

T885 Observation and Report
Student Name: Aaron Dooley
Supervise Civil Works
Observer Name: Position: Relationship to Student:

Observed Skills. I have seen the above student undertake the following tasks:
Skill Observed 1st Time Observed Location observed 2nd Time Observed Location observed Competent in Skill
Demonstrates consistent, timely supervision of civil works
Demonstrates consistent identification and planning of human resource requirements
Demonstrates consistent identification and planning of plant and machinery requirements
Demonstrates consistent identification, planning and delivery scheduling of construction materials
Demonstrates consistent identification and planning of sub-contractor support requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of waste disposal requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of coordination requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of activity scheduling
Demonstrates consistent planning of ongoing risk assessment and management requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of work place health and safety and emergency response requirements
Demonstrates consistent quality management requirements, including testing scheduling requirements
Demonstrates consistent task monitoring requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of traffic management requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of environmental requirements
Demonstrates consistent task performance monitoring requirements
Demonstrates consistent planning of communication requirements
Demonstrates consistent reporting requirements
Demonstrates consistent supervision of civil works tasks including ;
Development of job plans
Ongoing risk assessment
Engineering survey
Sampling and testing
Recording and observation of construction practice
General supervision of team members
Locates and applies applicable legislation, documentation, organisational policies and procedures
Resolves coordination requirements prior to commencing and during work activities
Declaration: I declare that I observed the above student undertake the appropriate tasks and displaying these skills. Name Signature
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