2- Brand Marketing

The brand I will be using is KFC “Finger licking good”.
Please see instructions and writing outline below-

1 – List the brand/product/service researched for this assignment. (Choose wisely and don’t repeat what was offered to you within this course.) 5 points

2 – *Identify the key message of the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan. 5 points
(Hint: demonstrate you know what an IMC Plan is…this is an integrated plan so all tactics are focused on the same message/theme/idea within a prescribed timeline for one campaign.)

3 – For each tactic* (at least five different tactics are expected), describe:

what the tactic is (know what is meant by a tactic) (5 different types of tactics are expected, including new and traditional examples) 6 points each = 30 points
identify the target public of each tactic via one demographic and one psychographic of each 4 points each = 20 points
identify the function of each tactic (advertising, marketing or PR) 2 points each = 10 points
identify where on the PESO module the tactic fits 2 points each = 10 points
describe the appeal of each tactic 2 points each = 10 points
screenshot and reference/link the tactic 2 points each = 10 points
Format Note: This is not an essay. Use an outline format as in the one below that I will use as a rubric. This will enable you to demonstrate the type of writing that a PR pro does most. Be sure this is easy to follow and well written. (up to -10 for lack of organization/poor writing)

Brand +3
Product +2
Key IMC Message +5 Take the key message directly from the campaign (tactics) without interpretation.

Tactic 1 +6
-Target Demographic +2
-Target Psychographic +2
-Function (PR, Marketing, Advertising) +2
-PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) +2
-Appeal +2 (see appeals Module 2)
-Screenshot image & link +2

Tactic 2 +6
-Target Demographic +2
-Target Psychographic +2
-Function (PR, Marketing, Advertising) +2
-PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) +2
-Appeal +2 see Module 2
-Screenshot image & link +2

Tactic 3 +6
-Target Demographic +2
-Target Psychographic +2
-Function (PR, Marketing, Advertising) -2
-PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) +2
-Appeal +2
-Screenshot image & link +2

Tactic 4 +6
-Target Demographic +2
-Target Psychographic +2
-Function (PR, Marketing, Advertising) +2
-PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) +2
-Appeal +2
-Screenshot image & link +2

Tactic 5 +6
-Target Demographic +2
-Target Psychographic +2
-Function (PR, Marketing, Advertising) +2
-PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) +2
-Appeal -2
-Screenshot image & link +2

-Format easy to follow. *The format here is easy to follow. Include screenshot images for each tactic. Work can not be assessed without this.

*Note: All tactics should support the same message, thus the “Integrated” in IMC efforts.