2- Memory

PSYC 3265 – Memory (Written Assignment)
Textbook: Memory (3rd edition) by Alan Baddeley, Michael W, Eysenck, and Michael C. Anderson

1) Share your reflections on the short story “Funes the Memorious” by Jorge Luis Borges in
light of what you have learnt about memory (attached is a story PDF).

2) Outline at least two (ideally more) implausible aspects of Funes’ experience based on
real-world examples of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory and our understanding of
episodic and semantic memory, supporting your argument with experimental findings and
case studies from the lectures, textbook, etc.

3) What are three benefits of forgetting? Again, support your argument with evidence and
experimental findings.

All citations should be in APA format. Include a list of references in APA formatting at the end of
your essay.

Percentage Content
20% Appropriate personal reflection on the short story with a connection to course material
30% Two or more aspects about Funes that are implausible based on scientific understanding of semantic, episodic memory and other systems in the brain (20%) Citation of relevant experiments and patient studies to support your point (10%)

Note: Full marks for each item are only achieved when studies/evidence are described
in sufficient detail for the TA to understand how they support the student’s point.
Evidence cited only with assertions without elaboration of the experiment and findings
will not be awarded points.

30% Explanation of three benefits or functions of forgetting (20%)
Citation of relevant experiments and patient studies to support your point (10%)
10% Correct APA-style in-text citations and reference list
10% Overall clarity and style of writing