Information Resource Management


In this assignment you will read a case study from your text and respond to the

questions after.


• Read: “Mercy Health System (” (Text, Chapter 3). • In your own words, give a brief synopsis of the case. • Answer all three questions after the case study clearly, concisely, and


• Each question answer should be at least 3 paragraphs.

• Each question answer should have at least 1 reference from a reliable



• Your paper will be at least 3 double-spaced, APA formatted pages not including

title and reference pages.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you

write and again after you write.

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Evaluation Rubric for Unit 3 Assignment



Needs Proficient



(0-2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points) Brief Synopsis of The brief The brief synopsis The brief The brief synopsis the Case Study synopsis is is present, but is synopsis is is fully and clearly missing or poorly missing key present, but is defined and presented. details. missing minor presented, details. including all


(0-11 Points) (12-15 Points) (16-19 Points) (20 Points) Question 1 The answer to The answer to the The answer to the The answer to the the question is question is question is question is fully missing or poorly present, but is present, but is and clearly defined presented. missing key missing minor and presented, details. details. including all

details. Question 2 The answer to The answer to the The answer to the The answer to the the question is question is question is question is fully missing or poorly present, but is present, but is and clearly defined presented. missing key missing minor and presented, details. details. including all


Question 3 The answer to The answer to the The answer to the The answer to the the question is question is question is question is fully missing or poorly present, but is present, but is and clearly defined presented. missing key missing minor and presented, details. details. including all


(0-5 points) (6-7 points) (8-9 points) (10 points) Total Number of 0-2 resources. 2 resources. 3 resources. More than 3

Resources resources. Paper Length 0-2 pages. 2 pages. 3 pages. More than 3


(0-9 points) (10-11 points) (12-14 points) (15 points) Clear and Errors impede Significant errors Few errors that Writing and format Professional professional that do not impede do not impede are clear, Writing and APA presentation; professional professional professional, APA