Cell Biology


A. READ THE ARTICLE ASSIGNED. (See the links above)

B. Your answers do not have to be long. For some questions, a sentence may be enough to answer the question. Please limit your answers to a maximum of five sentences per question.

C. Answer all parts of the question for full credit. Only answer the question that is asked.

D. For many (but not all) questions, you may wish to go online, or find information in a book. If you use a source, but you do not cite a source, you will not get any credit for your answer. If you use your textbook, then state “from the text”. If you use your lecture notes, then state “from lecture”. If you use a website, then give me the website after your answer.

E. Use your own words or rephrase the ideas from your source into your own words. I’m interested in whether you understand the material enough to restate it.

F. Plagiarism (copying from a reference) will get you a zero on the entire assignment. Plagiarism is defined here as having 5 or more words in a row directly from a source without using quotation marks.

1. This article is about the Gene of the Month which is “2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus spike protein”.

1a. What does each part of “ 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2” mean?


1b. What does “novel coronavirus” mean?


1c. What does “spike protein” mean?



2a. What does the phrase “protein homology” mean?


2b. Explain how “protein homology” is related to “gene homology”. (Hint: how does a protein sequence relate to a gene sequence?)



3a. According to this article, how much homology is there between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the spike protein of viruses found in pangolins and bats?


3b. What is a “pangolin”? And what do pangolins have to do with SARS-Co-V-2?



4a. According to this article, what is the size of the coronavirus (in nm)? ANSWER

4b. According to this article, what is the size of the coronavirus (in mm)? ANSWER

4c. According to this article, what is the size of a spike protein (in nm)? ANSWER

4d. According to this article, what is the size of a spike protein (in mm)? ANSWER


5a. According to this article, what is the name of the enzyme that copies the viral RNA genome into mRNAs? ANSWER

5b. According to this article, PCR tests for viral infection usually test for which THREE viral proteins? ANSWER

5c. “At-home” antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 viral infection (including BinaxNow) test for the presence of which viral protein? ANSWER


6a. The spike protein has ANSWER (fill in) amino acids.

6b. The spike protein has a specific quaternary structure which is described as ANSWER

(Hint: Use the quaternary structure term from Chapter 4.)

6c. The monomer of a spike protein is ANSWER (fill in) kilodaltons.

6d. Is the spike protein glycosylated? ANSWER

6e. What is protein glycosylation? ANSWER


7. The spike protein has a S1 region and an S2 region.

7a. What is the function of the S1 region? ANSWER

7b. What is the function of the S2 region? ANSWER

7c. What it the name of the enzyme that cleaves the spike protein into S1 and S2? ANSWER


8a. What is the “RBD”? ANSWER

8b. Which part of the spike protein (S1 or S2) has the RBD? ANSWER

8c. The RBD has two conformations, the “up” and “down” conformations. What does the spike do when it is in the “up” conformation?


8d. The RBD has two conformations, the “up” and “down” conformations. Why is it useful to the virus that the spike has a “down” conformation?



9a. What is TMPSSR2? ANSWER

9b. Is TMPSSR2 a viral protein or a human host protein? ANSWER

9c. What does TMPSSR2 do to the coronavirus? ANSWER


10a. The “delta” and “omicron” variants of the coronavirus have many mutations, including some in the RBD. Explain how these mutations might affect how CONTAGIOUS the virus is?


10b. The “delta” and “omicron” variants of the coronavirus have many mutations, including some in the RBD. Explain how these mutations might affect how well (or poorly) ANTIBODIES made to the alpha variant protect individual humans from infection.



REMEMBER – You will not get credit for your answers if you

A) Plagiarize your answer. (You can use your own words!)


B) Forget to include references. (Just copy and paste the link below your answers!)