
The documentary reports will be based on documentaries that student will view from a list that
Write a summary and reaction to the documentary.

Discuss the documentaries’ thesis, or main point(s).

Did the documentary effectively and clearly support the main point with evidence?

Discuss some of this evidence in detail.

Your summary should organize the material in a coherent manner.

The organization of your paper should not necessarily be based on the order that the documentary presented it. If possible, relate the documentary to course subject matter or themes. Your report should include who produced the documentary and the date of its release.

Make sure the reports are written in your own words, not copied from your source or from a review of the documentary. All reports should include an introduction and a conclusion. A strong paper will include an effective summary of information written in your own words, clear writing, use of examples from your source, proper paragraph structure including effective topic sentences, a clear and incisive evaluation of the film, proper grammar and correct spelling. If you use words from your source, place them in quotation marks.