
Essay Three Assignment – Creating a Monument/Memorial

In this essay, choose a historical event or individual in the country or your local community that you would want to memorialize through a monument/memorial. In a 3-page paper, present your position for why the chosen event or individual should be memorialized.

In the essay, include:

a. Introduction paragraph that includes a thesis sentence where you

state why you have chosen the event or individual to create a memorial for;

b. Body paragraphs that support your thesis by:

1) following the 5 steps for developing a body paragraph;

2) give background information about the event or individual you are arguing should be remembered;

3) discuss your reasons for choosing this particular event or person (Offer at least THREE reasons for your view)

4) discuss what message you want the memorial to convey to people;

5) support your views with at least TWO outside sources-your sources might

discuss monuments in general and/or give information about your chosen event or individual

c. At least 3 direct quotes from your sources that are cited using MLA format and properly incorporated into the paper;

d. Conclusion paragraph that wraps up your discussion and leaves the

reader with something to think about

e. A Works Cited page following MLA format for your sources.