
Obtain a recent advertisement for a Nurse Practitioner job opening and submit with this assignment. The job must be primary care job that related to your specialty of study (AGNP or FNP), and open to new grad NPs. Write a list of 10 questions you would ask the interviewer at an interview and give hypothetical answers and submit through this assignment link. The questions should be in depth, can’t be all about benefit questions.

Part 2 (10% course grade)

A. Find an advertisement for a primary care (must be primary care) Nurse Practitioner position in ANY CURRENT publication. (New York Times, Nursing Spectrum, online ads, etc.) Bring to the professor for approval. Failing to show instructor the ads might result in failing grade for the project. (P/F)

B. Write a comprehensive list of questions (at least 10) that you would need to ask the interviewer at the interview and answer them hypothetically according to your interpretation of the NP role base on the advertisement and your research of the employer and NP role.