Capital Budget Proposal

HCM 400 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: You will select a company within the healthcare industry that you will use later for your capital budget proposal research.
You will submit the healthcare organization selection to the instructor to ensure that you are able to attend to each aspect of the
Prompt: There are three different ways to find a healthcare company for your final project.
1) First, you may choose the company that you work for, but you must have access to its financials. You may also search for your
company on this website:
2) Second, you can go to a different page of the SEC: and find a healthcare-related
company. This site can be difficult to navigate, so here are some general notes: This page shows recently submitted 10-K forms from day to day
that detail out a company’s annual financial information. Each time you check this page, it may change, so when you find a company, be sure to
write down the company name and CIK code, provided on this page.
To find a company specifically within the healthcare field, look for companies with a SIC code of 8000, 8082, or 8090. The SIC code is found by
clicking the 10-K link associated with a particular company. The resulting screen will have detailed information on the company at the bottom of
the page, including the four-digit SIC code in bold red text. Look carefully, as there is a lot of information on these screens. If none of the
companies that are available to you this way have a healthcare-related code, you can try to search another way.
3) Lastly, you can return to the SEC search page and search for a company
by the SIC (or Standard Industry Classification) code. On this page, click “More Options” under the Company Name search bar. This will
open more search bars. Search by Standard Industry Classification (SIC) and enter in one of the following codes: 8000, 8082, 8090. Do not
fill out any other field. Click “Search.” The resulting page will have a list of healthcare-related companies. Now it is up to you to find one
that contains a 10-K form. Do this by clicking on the company CIK code, which will take you to the company’s specific page within the SEC.
Here, you can search for a 10-K form. Not all companies will have one, so you may have to manually search through a few before you find
a suitable candidate.
Utilize the resources below for additional support with selecting a suitable company to focus on for this project:
• Candid 990 Finder and ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer: These resources provide financial information for nonprofit organizations.
• The American Hospital Directory: This resource provides financial information for hospitals.
• Google: This resource can be used to find the 10-K for a for-profit healthcare organization and/or financial statements for any
healthcare organization.
If you have questions about selecting a company, reach out to your instructor for additional assistance.
Once you have chosen a company, use a search engine, like Google, to find its website and take a look at its mission, vision, values, and more to
learn more about the company. This will inform your proposal. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
• Identify your chosen healthcare organization.
o Briefly describe what the organization does in the healthcare field.
▪ Do you feel that you have enough information to approach the rest of the final project? Provide your instructor with
links to both the 10-K form from the SEC site as well as the company’s website, and feel free to note any lingering
questions you may have about how to approach Milestone Three.
Guidelines for Submission: Your Milestone Two submission must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document that is 2- to 3-paragraphs in
length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two sources cited in APA format. These sources
should include at minimum the SEC website and the website for your specific company.
You must score “Evident” on both critical elements to earn your points. Please see the feedback provided by your instructor and resubmit, as
Critical Elements Evident (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Healthcare Organization
Accurately and fully describes how
each aspect of the assessment can
be addressed with the healthcare
organization selected
Does not describe how each
aspect of the assessment can be
addressed with the healthcare
organization selected
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%