Based upon what you will have learned in class, go see and write a three to four page, typed, double-spaced critique of the assigned production. See the Information section on BlackBoard.
Be sure to keep the Playbill (program) so that you can NAME THE ACTORS, THE DIRECTOR, DESIGNERS, ETC., that you write about. You should address the following topics (but please don’t just tick them off in the same order as below):

THEME OF THE PLAY: Briefly explain the theme (NOT the plot!) of the play. That is,
What is the play ABOUT? Don’t synopsize the play (don’t write what happened).

Which actors stood out, and how were they effective or ineffective?
Did some demonstrate Method acting more than Technique?
Did some display a great deal of Virtuosity? Magic? Diction?

The director is responsible for delivering an effective, unified product.
How did the director shape the production to deliver the playwright’s story and message?
Were you able to follow the play? How did the director block the play to take advantage
to take the best advantage of the performance space?

Did the designs work together to create a “World” for the play and to evoke mood?
Was sound an important aspect, and did it enhance the production? What technical and
Design aspects impress you, or bother you? Briefly describe the design elements. How
Did the scenery, costumes and lighting contribute to action and the themes of the play?
Were you swept into the lives of the characters by what you saw and heard?

Did you notice any technical glitches? Did the light and sound cues seem to be integral
to the production? Did some seem late or early? Were there loud backstage noises?

What worked, what didn’t work? Why?
Based on seeing this production, are you more apt to go see one in the future? Were you moved by the play? Did you laugh, did you cry? Did you get angry?

Refrain from writing things like “two thumbs up” or “loved him, hated her,” or “I give it a 7 out of 10.” Hold onto your program. Be sure to include the names of actors, designers and the director. Do not just say someone or thing was “good” or “bad,” or “I liked it.” Why did it work? Why did it not work? Don’t say “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it.” Justify your opinions.

This is an important paper, so I expect it to be well thought out and well written. Begin with a THESIS STATEMENT, support the thesis in the BODY of the paper, and restate it in the CONCLUSION. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, get help at the campus writing center before you write. Also, be sure to PROOFREAD, don’t just run spellcheck(SPELLCHECK LIES!). Read the paper out loud to yourself and, if possible, to someone else; this is the best way to find incomplete sentences or misused words, etc.

Finally, a note about plagiarism – I will catch you, and you will receive a grade of zero. I want your thoughts not someone else’s. ENJOY THE SHOW!!!