2- Product Development

1) Done in British English.2) 2x pictures per P.4 P’s Product,price,place,promotion. 3) the picture not older than 2019.Referincing all the pictures.Each P has a theory (insert 1-2 theory). To conclude your portfolio identify suggest metrics..has this worked,how do we measure? Segmentation bases included in the assesment.
Segmentation bases-have at least 2-3 presented in the portfolio
1.Demographic 2.Geographic 3.Phychographic 4.Behavioural
-do not put too much focus on the history of the company
Task 1.can use screenshots from youtube,if use video from youtube,take screenshot and put link under it.
Task 2.No table of content,use real pictures,use glassdoor etc.revenue,ranking,logo.
PRODUCT related theories:product life cycle(focus on product),Roger diffusion of innovation,BCG matrix.
PROMOTION related theories:talk about theory,put pictures. KPI (use income statement of the company),use glassdoor,trustpilot.,gross net profit,social media (followers)
PRICE-is important is related to POSITIONING-Strategy used:SKIN PRICING,PENETRATION PRICING,NEUTRAL PRICING.PRICE PROMOTION strategy to use for Delivering companies. example.Rapid Penetration strategy(Have data statistics to back it off)
PLACE-Distribution STRATEGIES-intensive,exclusive,selective,Franchasing.