2- Statistics

God’s Own: The Genesis of Mathematical Story-telling
a. Read chapters VIII & IX of God’s Own: The Genesis of Mathematical Story-telling and watch the ACE video on Ndebele Doll Making in the course materials section of Blackboard.
b. What patterns in the Pascal’s Triangle are discussed in chapter VIII? Do not just state, also illustrate. You must give at least two patterns and explain why you chose those patterns instead of others you could choose. The entries in Pascal’s Triangle are the coefficients in a Binomial Probability Distribution, which is a special type discrete probability distribution. They are also combinations in counting the number of arrangements of things were the order is unimportant.
c. What are pictograms are illustrated or discussed chapter VIII? Do not just state, also illustrate. You must give at least two pictograms and explain why you chose those pictograms instead of others you could choose. A pictogram is a graphical presentation that conveys meaning through pictorial resemblance to physical objects.
d. Using the algorithm given in chapter IX for computing the Hidden Passion Number, prove that the Hidden Passion Number (modal number) for God’s Own is 5. (To prove this, you must create a frequency distribution of the different letters in NKECHINYERE MADONNA ADELINE AGWU and show that the #5 has the greatest frequency).
e. Construct an Ndebele Doll of God’s Own decorated with at least two of the pictograms in (c) above, at least two patterns in (b) above, and the Hidden Passion # of 5 in (d) above. Take pictures of your Ndebele Doll to show your pictograms, patterns and Hidden Passion #.
f. Construct a spreadsheet of the materials needed to create an Ndebele doll with unit costs and appropriate NYS state sales tax. Based on the unit cost of materials, NYS sales tax for materials, and the unit cost of labor to create one Ndebele Doll, determine the cost of creating a set of twelve disciples of Ndebele dolls of God’s Own to give as a kwanza gift to twelve orphan children in Jacob’s House in Agbakoli Alayi, Abia State, Nigeria.
g. Create a power-point or video or any type of presentation of b-f above and upload your presentation in the discussion board created for this.
h. Comment critically on the posting of at least one class mate.
There are four samples of student work from a previous class posted here to illustrate what is expected of you
Textbooks: https://openstax.org/details/books/introductory-business-statistics