2- Book Review

Mat 150 – Take Home Examination #3
The Grace of Dr. Mrs. Mojisola Olayinka Edema: A Visionary and a Reformer
Read chapters seven and eight of this required reading.
For the graphical presentations (known as line graphs/frequency polygons) on The Mathematics of Tasty Food 2 in chapter seven, answers the six exercises on reading graphs given in the book and also below. Kindly show your work. A line graph/frequency polygon is a graph that is used to show trends in data, where things are increasing, decreasing and steady.
At time 0 hours what was the PCA count?
At time 24 hours what was the Yeast count?
At time 48 hours what was the LAB count?
At what time were the Yeast and LAB counts the same?
Create a spreadsheet that reflects the information given in the graph?
Provide a written summary of the information in the graph? Your summary should discuss trends showing that you understand the reasons for using a line graph/frequency polygon to graph the data.
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