2- Community Health

Welcome to C228 Task 1 and Task 2 Email Cohort Version 5!
The Community Health and Population Focused Nursing course has two tasks integrating a simulation experience and a paper in each. In addition, for task 2 you will engage in a Field Experience.
The course simulations will include a Community Health environment assessment for task 1 and a simulated community influenza outbreak for task 2.
Several topics will be introduced to strengthen your understanding of community assessments and global health concerns.
The course welcome email was delivered to you upon course enrollment. Please review it for resources including templates, study halls, and live events.
Click the following link to view Course Overview v5:
Week 1 Task 1:
GOAL: Your goal is to complete the readings through lessons from your course material and your e-text: Stanhope and Lancaster, Foundations of Nursing in the Community, 4th edition. These lessons will help you understand the concepts needed for the tasks.
• Unit 1: Introduction
• Unit 2: Community Health Assessment
• Unit 3: Culturally Sensitive Care
• Unit 4: Collaborative Community Health
NOTE: Mandatory California Student Requirements:
If you are a California post-licensure student residing in any state, you are required to complete 7 hours of child abuse training. Please see the instructions in the course material, Unit 1 Introduction, Under Policy Matters.
Students are to save their training certificate as WGU does not save the completion certificate.
Week 2:
Click the following link to view Task 1 Video
Task 1 is a professionally written paper using full narrative sentences. All citations and reference page listings are to be in APA format.
Sentinel City will allow you to learn critical thinking and reasoning skills in a community health experience. It will also provide the opportunity to explore some of the many determinants of health contributing to the health status of members of a simulated city.

Sentinel City can be found in Unit 4, Collaborative Community Health
You will be credited 10 hours for completing both simulations. The simulation times are documented on the Task 2 Community Health Field Experience Time log located under supporting documents. (There is no need to record or track your time spent in the simulations).
Within your course under Assessments, Task 1-View Task, you will find task requirements/directions. The assessment tools required to complete data collection in Sentinel City (SC) can be found under the “Supporting Documents” link and in the course material Unit 4.
Demographics, Neighborhood Safety, Scavenger Hunt link which contains three tools:
• Demographics Assessment
• Neighborhood Community Safety Inventory
• Scavenger Hunt
Windshield Survey link: The Windshield Survey is a generic tool used in communities not specific to SC. You will answer the questions on which can you find information.
These tools will help you gather data and identify health concerns/problems in the SC community. You will then take the tool information to write your task.
Also, in this section you will find a link to “Primary Prevention Topic List” to complete section C-3.
Please review the Sentinel City Quick Start Guide and the Operating Instructions, taking note of the computer guidelines. It is essential you follow Steps 1-4 in the Quick Start Guide.
The video “Overview of Sentinel City Simulation” provides general information related to navigation of the simulation.
Engagement in the ABC Daycare Emergency Scenario and the Household and Family Assessment activity at the Affordable Housing are not required.
Conversations with the city residents are optional but may provide information related to community resources or health concerns/problems in the city.
Now that you have reviewed the task requirements, Sentinel City Quick Start Guide, and the Operating Instructions you are ready to begin the simulation and task!
First, click the simulation link in Unit 4, and on the next screen, click on the smaller box in the lower left-hand corner on the page with the Sentinel City logo.

A: PDF Photo Journal
The task instructions/requirements Section A requires making a PDF Photo Journal.
Print this list from the task requirements Section A., so you know where to go once you start in the simulation. You will be required to visit these 12 designated sites within Sentinel City.
• Interfaith Church of Sentinel City
• Better Health Clinic
• Sentinel City Department of Transportation
• Sentinel City School District
• ABC Daycare
• Sentinel City Affordable Housing Project
• City Hall
• Radio BUZZ 96.5FM
• Sentinel City Healthcare System (Hospital)
• Lily’s
• Joe’s Grocery
• Sentinel City Department of Parks and Recreation
Up to 20 pictures can be saved in the Photo Journal, but you only need to submit the photo journal with the 12 pictures listed above.
Type the name of the location in the text box. When possible, get the signage of the site in the photo.
You do not need to enter assessment data/observations in the photo text box.
Using the “map view” button along the top of the bus windshield, you can quickly complete section A. Click on each of the locations on the map to arrive at the destination immediately.
Save the Photo Journal as a PDF by clicking the red download button, then Photo Journal PDF will automatically save to your Desktop. You will submit this PDF at the same time as your written task 1 paper.
No additional login information is necessary to download the PDF Photo Journal. Should you be unable to download the PDF after following the directions, please contact the WGU Help Desk for technical support
Your written task portion includes sections B through D in the task requirements.
Please save the Task 1 template to write your task. The template is located in Week 3 below. Make sure you are using the Version 5 course resources.

NOTE: You can visit Sentinel City many times to collect your data. Again, you do not need to keep track of your hours.
Continue to gather data from Sentinel City for each of the 4 assessment tools. The four tools are worksheets and should not be submitted as part of task 1. You will summarize the findings from each of these tools in Task 1, Section B.
Week 3:
Goal: Begin to write your paper.
Task 1 Template: C228 V5 Task #1 Template.docx
Open and review the task requirements/directions. Task 1 is a comprehensive task, and we suggest writing the sections in order.
You are encouraged to use the Task 1 template. The task suggestions should be removed but keep the headings on the template as they will help you to organize and write the paper.
The written portion of your paper starts with Section B: Needs Assessment Summary.
B. The Needs Assessment:
Summarize each tool separately. This section is a summary of the findings from: Demographics Assessment, Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory, Population Health Scavenger Hunt, and Windshield Survey. Remember in this section you are summarizing the facts collected, the statistics/data from each tool, your observations, and the data sets within SC. Analysis of the information is in Section B1.
B1. Data Analysis:
You will be analyzing the collected data using concepts of epidemiology and health determinants.
Refer to Units 2, 3, and 4 from the course for additional support.
From the many health and environmental issues in SC, choose 4-5 health problems/concerns most important to you. The identified SC issues (problems/concerns) may vary from student to student. You will be identifying issues in SC from your collected data in Section B and observations made while traveling in SC. Support each of these identified health problems/concerns using concepts of epidemiology and social determinants (contributing factors).
C1. Three Problems:
Take 3 health problems/concerns you identified from Sentinel City (from B1). For each of these problems/concerns, state the Healthy People 2030 goal that aligns with each problem. Discuss why each goal is relevant to the SC health problem/concern.
Each problem/concern must have an identified goal and discussion.
Click Here to access the Healthy People 2030 goals. You also have access to the link from the Task 1 directions under the “Web Links” section.
HP2030 goals are accepted for this section. View the HP2030 video link for further explanation:
Healthy People 2030 video

C2. Primary Prevention Topic:
Identify a primary prevention topic based on one problem/concern identified in C1. This primary prevention topic will come from the Primary Prevention topic list located in the Task 1 Directions, under Supporting Documents.
C3. Discussion of Community Resources:
Identify two community resources sites in SC. Discuss the selected sites’ key details that are available in SC which relate to the Primary Prevention Topic identified in C2.
D. Reflection:
Discuss what you learned from two or more assessment strategies used in the simulation and how you could apply these strategies in an assessment of your community. This reflection does not discuss SC, but how you would complete a community assessment using the tools in your community.
E. Sources:
Regarding referencing, please contact the WGU Writing Center. The WGU Writing Center is your best resource for this rubric section. The WGU Writing Center has a helpline that you can call for assistance, the number: 1-877-435-7948, extension 2967.
All references should follow the correct format (Big 4), including the author, year, title, and source information. Each reference must have a correlating in-text citation.
Note: How do I cite Sentinel City?
Reference Page:
Sentinel U. (2021). Sentinel City (Version [Computer software]. https://sentinelworld.healthcarelearninginnovations.com/Simulation/SentinelCity31/Start
In-text citation:
(Sentinel U, 2021).
Note: How do I cite HP 2030?
Reference Page:
Each HP 2030 goal will have an in-text citation and a HP 2030 Reference related to the specific topic goal/objective:
Reference page example, for Oral Health topic:
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2022). Oral health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/oral-health
In-text citation:
(Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2022).
F. Professional Communication:
This section reflects your ability to write professionally using correct writing mechanics and grammar.
You are also encouraged to connect with the WGU Writing Center as this is your best resource for support and guidance related to professional communications.
Grammarly.com (free) is a great resource for this section. Watch this video to learn how to use the free version of Grammarly as a proofreading tool. If you decide to purchase the premium version of Grammarly, go to the Writing Center for more information and discount.
How Grammarly Can Help (panopto.com)
GOAL: Proofread and submit both the written task along with your Photo Journal (Section A: Sentinel City Action Report).
Please review the task similarity (originality) percentage before submitting. Additional information related to this area can be found in the task requirements. Although you will submit both the task paper and PDF Photo Journal, the originality percentage on the Photo Journal does not apply to the 30% limit.

Congratulations you are done with task 1 now onto task 2!

Weeks 4-6 Task 2:
Goal: Complete the course material: These lessons will help you understand the concepts needed for task 2.
• Unit 5: Voice of the Community
• Unit 6: Population Health in Worldwide Health Context
• Unit 7: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
• Unit 8: When Crisis Strikes
• Unit 9: Disasters (complete Bentonville simulation)

Click the following link to view: Task 2 Video Link
Task 2 Overview:
Task 2 includes three sections including the completion of the Bentonville simulation (Unit 9), 15 required Field Experience hours and the written task.
Section 1 Simulation:
First, complete the Bentonville Simulation in Unit 9 and save the completion certificate as a PDF. This simulation addresses an influenza outbreak and will help prepare you to understand the components to be addressed in the Task 2 paper. The completion certificate PDF will be submitted with the time log and written task. This will be addressed in the written task information.
Section 2 Field Experience:
You will now select a disease from the communicable disease list in Section B of the task requirements or from the C228 Field Experience Time Log listed under Task 2 supporting documents.
The selected communicable disease will be the topic focus for the required field experience activity hours and the written portion of the task.
The activities you complete in your community, observations and/or site visits will relate to your selected disease topic and focus on prevention. To document the field experience activities, you will submit your completed “C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log,” Examples of possible activities associated with the list of communicable diseases can be found under task 2 supporting documents, C228 Field Experience Activities List.
Please review the C228 Field Experience Activity List for acceptable activity lists and unacceptable activities. Additional support regarding this section is provided below.
Section 3 Written Task Community Outbreak:
For the written portion of the task, you will analyze two outbreaks of a specific global communicable disease: an outbreak that occurred in the last 50 years in your CDC (Centers for Disease Control) region, selected from the web link found below, and a community outbreak that occurred in a country outside of U.S. Additional support regarding this section is provided below.

Section 1: Simulation
Additional information regarding the simulation is in the written task information below in Section 3.
Section 2: Field Experience and Time Log Submission
Task 2 Field Experience video
The purpose of the Task 2 field experience is to expose you to local and global community health responses to communicable disease and outbreak prevention.
In this field experience, you are to engage with TWO licensed community healthcare professionals (it is required you engage with at least 2 healthcare professionals) to learn about the selected communicable disease prevention from their perspectives.
The Field Experience time log is in Task 2, under the Supporting Documents section.
Download the Time Log Word document to your computer and work from this document to submit for Evaluation.
Do not print the time log document, fill the information out by hand, or scan the time log as a PDF document. Handwritten or PDF time log submissions are not accepted by Evaluation as they cannot be scanned for originality percentages.
A. Submit a completed “C228 Community Health Field Experience Time Log,” attached, by following the guidelines outlined on the attached “C228 Field Experience Activities List” and doing the following:
1. Include the date of each activity (dd/mm/yy).
2. Include a unique description for each appropriate activity that supports the time spent.
3. Include the following contact/site information for each entry line:
• the name of the contact person associated with the site
• the contact person’s title or affiliation with the site
• a working phone number or email address for the contact person
• site name
• a full physical address for the site
Note: Audits and verification of time log activities do occur. WGU may contact the listed contact person to verify dates, hours, and activities. The contact person should be made aware of this validation process. Violation of the WGU Code of Student Conduct or the Academic Authenticity Policy could result in disciplinary action.

4. Provide the number of actual hours spent on each activity (not including preparation time).
5. Describe how each activity relates to the prevention of your selected communicable disease.
6. Record a total of 25 experience hours that meet each of the following requirements:
• 10 hours assigned from Sentinel City and Bentonville simulations
• 15 student-planned activity hours, based on the “Field Experience Activities List”
• Acceptable Field Experience activities (with Licensed Health Professionals) are listed in the Field Experience Activities List and can include, but are not limited to:
o Observation: Students are permitted to observe licensed community health care professionals knowledgeable in preventing the selected disease. Use the list in the Field Experience Activities list to help determine recommended licensed community professionals.
o Site Visit: Students are permitted to visit relevant sites to obtain information on how the site assists with the primary prevention of the selected disease. The listed contact person should be someone in authority that is affiliated with the site.
o Shadowing: Students can shadow or observe community licensed health professionals knowledgeable in preventing the selected disease.

• Please refer to the Field Experience Activity List for unacceptable activities including, and not limited to:
o no prep time hours (i.e., do not include prep time in reported hours)
o no paid work hours or work-related training hours
o no activities are to be completed on the unit student is employed

Section 3: Written Task – Community Outbreak
Goal: Write Task 2 paper.
Task 2 Template: C228 V5 Task #2.docx
Task 2 is a professionally written paper using full narrative sentences. All citations and reference page listings are to be in APA format. If you have questions or need assistance with APA, please contact the WGU Writing Center Helpline @ 1-877-435-7948. Extension 2967.
Overview: As you write the task, you will be addressing different aspects related to a selected communicable disease outbreak in your CDC region.

You will select a communicable disease listed in Task 2 requirements, Section B. The specific outbreak must have occurred within the last 50 years and includes human-to-human transmission occurring in your CDC regional area.
You can identify your CDC region through the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Regions link. The CDC link is also located under Task 2, Web Links section.
To write the task you are encouraged to use the Task 2 template located on the Course Launch page under the Course Search tab. The task suggestions should be removed but keep the headings on the template as they will help you to organize and write the paper.

B. Communicable Disease: Select one of the given communicable diseases that has had an outbreak in your CDC region according to the “National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Regions” in the Web Links section. The outbreak must have occurred in the last 50 years:
• Influenza (Human to Human)
• Measles
• Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (includes MERS, SARS, or COVID-19)
• Ebola virus
• Tuberculosis
• Zika virus
C. Description of Outbreak:
Describe the outbreak of the disease selected in part B, including each of the following:
• The name of the disease
• The name of your CDC region impacted by the outbreak. Provide the region letter
• The date (i.e., month and year) the outbreak was discovered in your CDC region
• The other CDC regions impacted by the outbreak. Provide the region letter(s)
Make sure that you address one specific outbreak rather than the history or multiple outbreaks of the communicable disease, such as an entire epidemic/pandemic.

C1. Epidemiological Determinants and Risk Factors:
Describe two risk factors associated with the selected outbreak. Risk factors typically address the condition of the host (patient) and environment. Examples of risk factors could be age, occupation, immune-compromised status, unvaccinated status, lack of prior exposure to the disease, smoking, living in close quarters (i.e., military, prisons, college dormitories), vector exposure, etc.
Discuss the route of transmission of the chosen communicable disease. The term “Route of Transmission” usually refers to the transmission of microorganisms directly from one person to another by one or more of the following means:
• droplet contact – coughing or sneezing on another person
• direct physical contact – touching an infected person, including sexual contact
• indirect physical contact – usually by touching soil contamination or a contaminated surface (fomite)
• airborne transmission – if the microorganism can remain in the air for long periods
• fecal-oral transmission – usually from contaminated food or water sources
Identify one epidemiological determinant for the selected outbreak. Epidemiological determinants can be anything that increases disease frequency in a population. Epidemiological determinants can include factors such as infectivity (how easy is it spread?), virulence (how deadly is it?), climate considerations (i.e., does the vector survive arid or cold temperatures?), antigenic stability (i.e., Influenza) and any other appropriate variable.
D. Community Impact:
Discuss how your selected communicable disease from part B would impact your community at a systems-level (e.g., the functioning of schools, local government, businesses, hospitals).
This is a hypothetical situation (your thoughts and opinions) of the impact at a systems-level if the selected disease outbreak occurred in your community. How would a worst-case scenario affect your community? Include the impact on schools, local government, businesses, and healthcare systems. This should be a “logical discussion”.
For example, what would be the effect on schools? Would they need to close? Would government offices and essential public services be affected? Would the hospitals have the staff to care for an outbreak? Could the healthcare facilities handle the individuals coming for care or put others at risk? Would it overburden the health system of the community, etc.?
D1. Global Comparison:
Compare a community communicable disease outbreak that occurred in a country outside of the U.S. at a systems level. This is a hypothetical situation (your thoughts and opinions) of the impact at a systems level if the selected disease outbreak occurred in a community outside of the United States. Systems-level will include schools, local government, businesses, and healthcare systems.

D2. Reporting Protocol:
Explain the reporting protocol for the community from local levels to the CDC if an outbreak of the selected disease were to occur in your CDC region.
Often there is state legislation, or the Local/State Health Department will dictate the reporting protocol (reporting chain of command) for the related communicable disease. You can also do an internet search for reporting protocol in your area.
This task tip may help: as a community health nurse, to whom would you report a new case? What does your Public Health Department (local and state level) indicate for reporting communicable diseases? Think about who should be notified and how?

D3. Prevention Strategies:
Provide a logical discussion of two strategies (e.g., patient education, community vaccine promotion) that you would recommend for the prevention of the selected communicable disease in your CDC region. Include why each strategy is recommended. Search the course material and CDC website for disease related prevention strategies.

E. Bentonville Action Report:
Complete the Bentonville simulation. A PDF copy of the “final report” (Completion Certificate) is to be submitted with the written task Word document. Save the PDF to your desktop until final Task 2 submission. An example of the Completion Certificate can be found in Unit 9. The link to step-by-step directions for saving the Bentonville Completion Certificate PDF is also located in Unit 9.
The Bentonville Completion Certificate includes
• “Influenza in Bentonville”
• “Community Advocacy”
• “Emergency Response”
• “Communicable Disease”
Note: For an example of how your score sheet should look, refer to the Sample Final Results Report Influenza in Bentonville, located under the Task 2 view in the supporting documents section.

Should you be unable to download the PDF after following the directions, please contact the WGU Help Desk for technical support.
F. Sources:
Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Please contact the WGU Writing Center for reference support. The WGU Writing Center is your resource should you have any questions regarding references. The WGU Writing Center has a helpline that you can call for assistance, the number: 1-877-435-7948, extension 2967.
All references should follow the correct format (Big 4), including the author, year, title, and source information. Each reference must have a correlating in-text citation.

G. Professional Communications:
This section reflects your ability to write professionally using correct writing mechanics and grammar.
You are also encouraged to connect with the WGU Writing Center as this is your best resource for support and guidance related to professional communications.
Grammarly.com (free) is a great resource for this section. Watch this video to learn how to use the free version of Grammarly as a proofreading tool. If you decide to purchase the premium version of Grammarly, go to the Writing Center for more information and discount.
How Grammarly Can Help (panopto.com)

Proofread and submit three items:
• The completed Field Experience time log
• The written task
• The Bentonville Completion Certificate PDF (Section C: Bentonville Action Report).
Please review the task similarity (originality) percentage before submitting the written task. Additional information related to this area can be found in the task requirements. Although you will submit the written task, Field Experience time log, and Bentonville Completion Certificate at the same time, the originality percentage on the Field Experience time log and the Bentonville PDF do not apply to the 30% limit.

Congratulations you are done with task 2!
Please do not hesitate to contact your assigned Instructor or the C228 Inbox for assistance. We are here to help!