2- World Economic Crisis

Choose a business, organization, or entire sector that was negatively impacted by a world economic crisis. (Examples could include the Chernobyl Explosion, Mt. Saint Helens eruption, 2008 Recession, COVID-19, etc.)
Responses should be AT LEAST THREE PAGES OF BODY CONTENT in length with an additional TITLE PAGE AND REFERENCE PAGE, correctly formatted according to APA 7 guidelines. You do not need to include an abstract or keywords. Cite at least 2 reputable sources.
PART A: Respond to the following questions in your essay:
Identify your business, organization, or sector. How was your chosen business, organization, or sector impacted by this economic crisis?
Why was it impacted in such a way?
What economic factors came into play? (Choose 3 concepts to elaborate on from class lectures. Ex: fiscal/monetary policies, inflation, interest rates, etc.)
Who within the business, organization, or sector was affected? (Ex: Administration, workers, investors, etc.)
When did this event occur and for how long?
Where was your chosen business, organization, or sector located? (Rural/Suburb/City? Consider demographics of location, including race, ethnicity, religion, culture, gender, etc.) Where any groups disproportionally affected?
Look at the business report for the year prior to the economic crisis, the year where the crisis was at its worst, and 2 years following the end of the crisis. Include graphics with your submission, if available, to demonstrate key areas affected.
If the business has since recovered, how long did it take after the height of the crisis to return to pre-crisis production and profit levels?
What new challenges was this business, organization, or sector faced with after the crisis ended?
If your chosen business, organization, or sector did NOT recover after the crisis, what prevented them from doing so? What was the cause of their eventual collapse?
this is the example i want like that thank you .Utilize this template when formatting your crisis assignment.
PART A: Introduction of Economic Impact of [CHOSEN CRISIS] on [CHOSEN BUSINESS, ORG, OR SECTOR]
Identify your business, organization, or sector. How was your chosen business, organization, or sector impacted by this economic crisis? (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Cause of Impact
Why was it impacted in such a way? (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Relevant Economic Factors
What economic factors came into play? (Choose 3 concepts to elaborate on from class lectures, ex. fiscal/monetary policies, inflation, interest rates, etc) (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Economic Factor 1
3 to 5 sentences
Economic Factor 2
3 to 5 sentences
Economic Factor 3
3 to 5 sentences
Individuals Impacted by Crisis
Who within the business, organization, or sector was affected? (administration, workers, investors, etc) (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Timeline of Crisis
When did this event occur and for how long? (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Where was/is your chosen business, organization, or sector located? (Rural areas, suburbs, cities? Consider demographics of location, including race, ethnicity, religion, culture, gender, etc.) Were any groups disproportionately affected? (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
Sum it up (At least 3 to 5 sentences)
PART B: Business Report
Look at the business report for the year prior to the economic crisis, the year when the crisis was at its worst, and 2 years following the end of the crisis. Include graphics with your submission, if available, to demonstrate key areas affected. (At least 3–5 sentences)
Year Prior
(At least 3–5 sentences)
Worst Point of Crisis
(At least 3–5 sentences)
Two Years Post-Crisis
(At least 3–5 sentences)
Discussion of Analysis
If the business has since recovered, how long did it take after the height of the crisis to return to pre-crisis production and profit levels? If your chosen business, organization, or sector did NOT recover after the crisis, what prevented them from doing so? What was the cause of their eventual collapse? (At least 3–5 sentences)
What new challenges was this business, organization, or sector faced with after the crisis ended? Comment on the lasting impact of this economic crisis to conclude your essay.  
Pler, M. (2022). Title of the journal article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), page numbers. URL or DOI.
Paler, M. (2022, November 1). Title of the web article. Title of the website. URL