2- Assignment Paper

Write a scientific response in the form of a position paper addressing one of the following
questions/issues. A 3500 absolute maximum word limit. Bibliography, appendices, figures and tables in the text can be in addition to the word limits and are very much encouraged (and will be read) but the emphasis is on a concise, clear and well-structured paper such as might be given as a briefing to a minister in a government. You should adequately reference all material and your response could include tables, figures, sub-headings, point summaries etc. Papers will be assessed with respect to the following three categories:
• strength and coherence of argument addressing the question;
• content, research and references;
• clarity of expression and quality of writing style.
Papers with excessive use of unsubstantiated content (eg. non peer-reviewed material, corporate material and low-quality Internet sources) will not be marked favourably. You must include detailed references – the referencing format chosen is not important (you could use footnotes, endnotes, numbers [1], or Author (year)). Strong and well-structured arguments will be viewed as more important than a mere collection of available material on a topic, or such things as statements of the importance of climate change and just general background material. In essence: understand your topic, research it well, and then show that you were able to form a clear viewpoint, and back up your opinion.
The submitted file should have 25 mm margins all round, should have pages numbered, and a font size of no less than 12 (footnotes excluded). Title page is to have a word count indicated
Topic: Compare energy use from buildings in Australia to a country of your choice. Are Australian houses energy efficient (hint: no)? To what extend can energy and hence emissions be reduced if different building standards were adopted. What are the cost implications of such adoptions, and what is the potential for energy savings for the duration of a building (assume a lifetime of 70 years for a building)
Compare them with Germany!