Will machines take over the world?

[Man VS Machines]
Will machines take over the world?
What does the exponential growth of machines and artificial intelligence mean for man? Since the introduction of computer systems, society through various channels such as science fiction films and novels has expressed the fear of machines mimicking human activities, and fictionally taking over the world. The fear is not without basis, and the effects of artificial intelligence on human society must be identified.
Why does it matter?
The question of the effects of artificial intelligence on societies and the arguments it has caused only continue to persist with the growth of technology. Compared to previous decades, modern technology has only continued affirming the concerns of those against artificial intelligence on singularity. Despite the argument on singularity, artificial intelligence has other effects on human society, both beneficial and disadvantageous. Should artificial intelligence be welcomed, mitigated, or completely erased from the advancing technologies? What changes do artificial intelligence and technology cause to social structures and cultures? The podcast helps answer these questions and highlights how humanity should receive artificial intelligence.
This podcast is designed to reach both young enthusiasts who have been introduced to the question before, and middle-aged enthusiasts who have long participated in the argument. More so, more people can join in the conversation despite their lack of participation before. These include students, professionals especially in the technology market, business people, and science professionals.
Form and Style
The style of the podcast will take a contemporary tangent relating to the futuristic and science fiction genre, in terms of music, sound effects, and visuals. More so, the form of the podcast will be expository and adventurous for the listener through different exposés from professionals, video clips, and scholarly works that address further the questions.
Episode Description

[It’s All Relative]
The introduction of the first episode describes the ontology and brief history of the argument, by describing the various sects of the argument developed through history and throughout the further advancement of technology. On one end, one sect believes that machine development and artificial intelligence are good and necessary to advance the industrial age. However, the other end of the argument refutes the claim that machines and artificial intelligence are more beneficial than detrimental and pose more threats. Therefore, the introduction will give a perspective of these two sides, and their history starting from the anti-machinery protests by British textile workers due to job losses in the 17th century.
In the pilot episode, an explanation of the different sects, their transformation throughout history, and their particular beliefs both on the benefits and disadvantages of being introduced into the society are determined. However, the podcast takes a stand between the two arguments, taking its stand and perspective compared to the two. The podcast explains the relativity of the machines and arguments taken, based on the reason for their creation (Prakash, 2017). The story of the episode explains the lack of a clear standing point on whether machines and artificial intelligence are good or bad, but can only be accepted by the reason for their creation and the opportunities they bring to mitigate their disadvantages and risks. Thus, artificial intelligence can be mitigated in its development in an ethical manner to maintain social structures, cultures, and economic opportunities such as employment.
Act 1
Introduction of the topic on machine vs man. An exposé of the different historical developments of the topic and the influences of sociocultural literature and film ideologies.

Act 2
The argument: A look into both sides of the argument related to the topic of man vs machine. A perspective is taken to address the podcast’s argument on the relativity of machines and artificial intelligence and their effects on man.

Act 3
Conclusion: How the mitigation and development of machines and artificial intelligence should be addressed in an ethical manner that satisfies man’s needs? More questions that need to be answered are considered.

Section Who’s talking? Script SFX Music
Introduction Me Narration: Introduction to the argument of man vs machines. The historical perspectives and arguments.
0.00 – 1.30
Video from YouTube
Classical music
2 Me Narration: What are the arguments?
1.31- 2.30 Investigative music
3 Narration: First story
Disadvantages of Machines and Artificial Intelligence.
Clips from YouTube
2.31 – 4.00 Sound effects such as the Sad Trombone, and Scheming Weasel.
4 Me Narration: Second story
Advantages of Machines and Artificial Intelligence. Is AI the future?
Clips from YouTube, images, and “memes”.
4.01 – 5.00 Classical and futuristic music
5 Me Narration: So where do we stand?
Video form YouTube
5.01-6.30 Sound effects such as the Hidden Agenda. Cheerful and rhythmical music
6 Me Narration: Conclusion
Video from YouTube, images, Gifs, and memes
6.31 – 8.00 Jazz and orchestral music.

Research and Production
The basis of the research will determine the effects of machines and artificial intelligence on social structures, such as dating, and the effects of online dating and online matching (Hicks, 2016). Other effects of the new age technology will determine their involvement in cultural and economic structures such as employment, and the two leading society arguments on singularity and machine consciousness. In this case, singularity describes the ability of machines and artificial intelligence to surpass human intelligence capability (Cadwalladr, 2014). These elements of technology will need contemporary sources to highlight the concerns, and scientific sources to determine the authenticity of the concerns. Some of the historic and contemporary sources include the introduction of machinery in Britain during the Victorian era and the protests on unemployment that followed. Other historic sources include literature such as Henry Ford’s Progress and Poverty (1879), futuristic and science fiction novels and films such as Star Trek, and arts. Also, scientific sources will determine quotes by leading professionals such as Marvin Minsky, Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, Gary Marcus, and many more, including interviews with professionals on the matter. More so, if the interviews fail, quotes by the leading professionals and influencers on the issue will be used through short excerpts of YouTube clips, Ted Talks, and other platforms. Thus, an argumentative standing and perspective can be identified when identifying the above.
Research and interviews are developed before the podcast’s production period. Therefore, clips and audio are recorded through the school studio, or according to the comfort of the interviewee who will be interviewed using either phone recording or video calls. Hence, the production of the podcast will be developed through Adobe Audition and Audacity. The edits of the audio will be merged with other supportive media such as sound effects and background music.
Season Rules
The season will involve four different episodes, including the pilot study. In the second episode, the effects of machinery and artificial intelligence on social structures and social media will be identified. These include the effects of technology today in maintaining contemporary social structures, despite the change in new cultures and social developments. The third episode will identify the probability of artificial intelligence overtaking the singularity point, and developing machine consciousness. More so, the episode starts by asking questions about the different thoughts of scientists and contemporary sources, determining whether such change should be welcomed. Finally, the effect of a fully advanced artificial intelligence is considered, reimagined, and whose effects are weighted by the benefits or the disadvantages already caused, such as wide-scale unemployment.

References List
Cadwalladr, C. (2014). Are the robots about to rise? Google’s new director of engineering thinks so. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/22/robots-google-ray-kurzweil-terminator-singularity-artificial-intelligence.
Hicks, M. (2016). Computer Love: Replicating social order through early computer dating systems. A Journal of Gender, New Media & Technology. https://adanewmedia.org/2016/10/issue10-hicks/
Prakash, S. (2017). Man vs. Machine: Understanding the perils of artificial intelligence. Medium. https://towardsdatascience.com/man-vs-machine-understanding-the-perils-of-artificial-intelligence-eb3caf9ce6b0.