Music Paper

E​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​xploring Music: Paper 2 specifications 800 Words Choose a movie. First watch or re-watch the entire film to familiarize or re-familiarize yourself with its full sweep, and then choose a scene to write about. Type your name at the top of your assignment. Intro: Provide the title of the film and link to the film clip if possible. Annotate where the scene you’ve chosen is located in the film (ex: 2:36 – 5:23 in clip). First Section: Briefly discuss what the film is about – don’t go crazy with this, be concise, and aim at around 100 words, basically just give me a little context – plot summary. Second Section: Using around 200 words, address the scene as it is, analyzing the relationship between the music and other aspects of the scene (image/narrative/etc). Third Section: Choose alternative music for your scene; it can be literally anything, classical, pop/rock, jazz, World, etc. Provide the title of the new music. • Using approximately 100 words, provide a rationale for the new music. Why did you choose this music for your scene? Tell me why you made the choice…obviously there is no wrong answer here). • Provide another analysis, this time of the new music/sound/image/narrative combination. Using the Terminological Starter, select four out of the six categories listed below and write approximately 100 words on each. Choose from the following: ? Melody ? Rhythm/Tempo ? Harmony ? Dynamics ? Texture ? Something else in the music you found interesting Provide YouTube links to your new selection​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​ of music (but remember: YouTube is not the copyright holder). Provide a bibliography/works cited for a. film clip b. new (alternative) music. **You do not need to provide a citation for the music already in the film; just the new music you choose. ***Remember: YouTube is NOT the copyright holder of the movie or the music. You must cite the copyright holder. *** A paper with no citations will receive a zero. Assignment Submission Instructions File Naming Convention 1. Type up your assignment in Word or a Google Doc and name the file according to this example: Paper2-Your_First_Name_Your_Last_Name 2. Include your name inside the document. 3. Submit a document using an acceptable file format supported by the University such as .doc, .docx, or .pdf. I must be able to open your file. 4. Provide a bibliography. If you reference, directly or indirectly, any outside source, you must include that source in your bibliography. This includes the music you listened to. **Note: YouTube is NOT the copyright holder and not an acceptable works cited. You must cite the copyright holder. Here is a guide on how to cite music: 5. Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. “Title of Work.” Larger work. Performer. Type of media (CD, mp3, tape, etc.). City of copyright holder: Name of copyright holder. Copyright date. . Date website was accessed. Ex: Williams, John. “Raiders March.” Raiders of the Lost Ark. Boston Pops, John Williams, conductor. CD. New York: Sony BMG M​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‍‍‍​usic Entertainment, 1991.