2- Assignment: Town and Gown

1. Request for 3 pages
2. Using APA format
3. See topic below / attachment
4. See rubric attached
5. 6 lit review references
6. Reference APA format including DOI if available

Assignment: Town and Gown
Reflect on the topics reviewed in this course. Consider the role of community relations and opportunities that highlight social responsibility, positive impact on the community, and broader community engagement.
To Prepare

Identify key stakeholders with whom you would need to collaborate in order to effectively promote positive community engagement and relations. Consider how the identified initiatives support the Community College Mission (Iowa Central Community College) and its relation to positive social change.

Write a paper that:

• Addresses issues that impact community relations at your selected community college.
• Identifies future initiatives that could strengthen town and gown relationships.
• Describes what more you think you need to know to make a positive, effective, and lasting impact. Also explain how these initiatives relate to your future professional development opportunities.