2- Public Speaking

Overview of the Task:
You have been invited to give the occasional address at the Education graduation ceremony. This is a celebration of all you have achieved and an opportunity for you to share your understanding of the field of Education.

This speech must draw upon your studies at Macquarie University and convey something that is distinctive about your educational experience. It is not a generic thank-you speech. Instead, it is an address to mark a significant transition from one professional stage to the next and in so doing, it captures what is valuable about your educational studies, your personal learning, and your hopes for the future of Education. This is an opportunity to share your insights and your educational vision.

Your creativity and your critical reflection are required. The particular line of approach and content are your decision but you need to think carefully about the specific nature of this occasion, the audience members, and your purpose when developing your speech. This is a formal context. Your aim is to have prepared yourself so as to engage your listeners in a thoughtful and interesting address.

Remember spoken and written words are quite different in terms of sentence structure and vocabulary and textual features. Think about your language choices, your subject matter and ideas, and your connection with your audience.

Prepare a 5 – 6 minute address to mark this significant graduation occasion.