2- Technology

Technology – Friend or Foe?
You must include in-text citations in MLA style.

For this essay, you are writing to convince the opposition. Consider the dangers and advantages of technology. For this essay, you must pick a side. Think of this essay as a debate on paper. You must know what the opposition thinks, but you do not support that point of view.

Introduction –

Identify the specific technology you will be discussing –cell phone, computer, automobile, dishwasher, microwave, GPS, video games, etc.
Capture the attention of the audience in the normal way with startling statistics, an interesting anecdote, a quotation from an expert, lines from a song or poem, a thought provoking question, etc. In short, make sure that what you say makes the reader want to know more.
In addition, state your thesis – make your point of view clear! (Some of you may be taking a creative approach. See me if this is the case.)
The body of the paper will do several things –

Convince the reader that they either need or do not need the technology.
Provide a brief history of the specific technology you plan to discuss. What was life like before its invention? When was it invented? How has it evolved? What is its story?
Provide clear evidence to support your point of view.

You must have proof from at least four of the following:

At least three experts/sources. You may use the articles studied in class and articles that specifically relate to your chosen technology.
A current news source such as a newspaper or magazine article or news cast.
An interview with at least one user.
A personal anecdote.
Lines from literature – poem, short story, or novel. “There Will Come Soft Rains” was assigned. You may use other SciFi literature or movies.
A work of art
Strong statistics from an expert source.
The body of the paper will be several paragraphs in length.

Conclusion –

Wrap it up for the readers. Leave them with a call to action to either give up or get the gadget you are supporting. Be sure they know why they need or do not need one. Consider:

Environmental impact
Impact on society
Ethical concerns