Assignment Paper

ENG/CHLS 370 & 375: Critical Response #2
In the latest stories, we have been analyzing symbols, language, metaphors/similes, and archetypes as a
way to understand themes and identities in Latinx literature.
Identify three to five (3-5) symbols and/or metaphors in any ONE novel, short story or poem, analyzing
how each allows us to make additional meaning of the text. You MAY also want to explain how these
play a role in telling a larger story under one of the critical lenses studied: historical, feminist, ecocritical,
Marxist, etc (Nance and other videos); however, your primary goal (and the “meat” of your writing should
be to elaborate and explain the symbol/imagery and provide context for how we should “tilt our head” and
perceive it from an angle unique to its original placement in the work. Consider how one or more aspects
of intersectionality (race, class, gender, sexuality and nation) impact the experiences of the characters.
Your essay should not include an introduction and conclusion. Begin by clearly stating your thesis (key
argument) in response to the writing prompt provided above. In the following body paragraphs, explain
and elaborate on your argument(s) by critically analyzing and providing textual evidence. You must
provide close textual analysis to support your thesis. (Avoid merely repeating an RJ response.)
➢ No introduction required.
➢ No outside sources and no works cited page is needed. This should be your own, unique, critical
engagement and analysis of the symbolic meaning(s) found in the text.
➢ DO NOT summarize. Do analyze.
2-3 double-spaced pages. I will NOT read papers shorter than two full pages and the grade will be a zero.
(Remember MLA format: TNR-12 pt. font, 1″ margins, headers, etc.) No works cited page.
➢ Produce a developed & sustained argument
➢ Demonstrate original thinking and effective use of course material
➢ Demonstrate critical thinking and Illustrate a solid analysis and application of textual evidence to
support your points
➢ Reveal how literature can serve as a source for social commentary
Grading Rubric
Students will be evaluated on how well they do the following:
1. Includes NO introduction or conclusion: made up exclusively of a thesis + analysis paragraphs
2. Includes a clear, arguable thesis statement that responds to the writing prompt
3. Provide close textual analysis with the goal of supporting thesis
a. Provides examples from the text and solid interpretations of these examples
b. (Summary or simple description will be marked down.)
c. Offers originality, and a fresh, innovative reading of the course materials
4. Adheres to MLA writing conventions: formatting, title documentations, in-text citations (quotes
and paraphrasing), etc.
a. No outside sources & no works cited page is needed (rely on your own analyzing skills).
5. Demonstrates effective academic writing by generating focused, coherently-organized, and
detailed paragraphs with clear topic sentences.
ENG/CHLS 370 & 375: Critical Response #2
6. Demonstrates evidence of clarity and proofreading and clarity:
a. contains grammatically sound writing (syntax).
7. Uses MLA writing conventions including proper title documentation, in-text citation (quotes and
paraphrasing), etc.
8. Adheres to 2 page minimum length
Additional Tips:
● Good essays don’t begin with self-conscious phrases such as, “I have chosen to analyze…” or
“The themes I have chosen to analyze are…” Avoid first-person assertions.
Due dates: See LCS