
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this subject students should be able to:
1. Reflect on social, cultural, political and historical contexts informing communities of arts practices,
2. Evaluate and communicate contemporary arts based educational research ideas for wider communities of practice,
3. Articulate a specialised understanding and knowledge of current arts-based research and debates, in relation to
communities of practices.
Generic Skills ▪ Critical thinking and reasoning, problem solving
▪ Communication, evidence-based decision making ,creativity and innovation
▪ Teamwork and professional collaboration, self-reflection, career awareness and lifelong learning, active and
participatory citizenship
Key readings (mostly available electronically) are listed on the LMS. A comprehensive list of further readings is given in a
Report (word equivalent 3000) 50% Wednesday November 2
The purpose of this task is to report on the investigation you have undertaken with the following organisation:
▪ identify the research question and the community you investigated,
▪ describe the what, where, and when of the community you investigated,
▪ present an outline and justification of the scope of your report (the boundaries the report is working within)
Body of the report
The body of the report expands and develops the material in a sequential and coherent manner, reflecting the structure you’ve
outlined in the Introduction. It contains a description how you gathered your information, your findings and a discussion of them.
The following questions are examples of some of the types you could focus on:
▪ How did you gather and analyse your information? [Methods]
▪ What were the most significant findings or factors involved in your investigation?
▪ Did the findings support or refute the literature?
▪ Did you uncover any unexpected or new issues that need to be considered?
This section is the longest part of the report. The material must be presented logically. This part of the report will also present
supporting evidence such as tables, graphs or figures. Only include those that are essential for reader understanding, the rest
can be placed in an appendix that is referred to in the text.
The conclusion will state the major inferences that can be drawn from your discussion and makes
recommendations. It will answer the question, Is XXX a community of arts practice? and include
▪ reference to your original aim and objective of the report,
▪ potential application(s) of your results, and
▪ limitations and advantages of your findings.
Reference list
List the reference material referred to in your report
Contains information that supports your analysis but this is not essential. It is only used if you really need it for clarification of
information presented in the report.
▪ APA6 style.
▪ Times New Roman 11pt; spacing 1.5; tables and figures should be no smaller than 8 pt; subheadings should be bold
12 pt
▪ Writing will reflect comprehension of the literature with descriptions, analyses, and synthesis of information,
data and ideas appropriate to the Report
▪ Writing will demonstrate knowledge of communities of arts practice and meet the content requirements of
the Report.
▪ Presentation
Some details:
Report �
In this assignment you will report on your investigation into your proposed Community of Arts Practice
with the following question in mind, “Is XXXX (your chosen community) a Community of Arts Practice?”
In this report you are required to:
• write 3000 words
• reference at least 5 academic articles and/or book chapters
• Follow the check list below for details instructions into what must be included in this report,
which you will find below.
Additional Information �
To help you complete this task successfully, the following resources are provided:
• Marking Rubric — refer to this to understand how you will be assessed (an attached file under resources – see to your
• Cadmus Manual — refer to this for information about academic skills (click the ? icon in the bottom right to access
the manual)
• Checklist: How to write a Report — use this to help you complete the task (you will see this below)
Checklist: How to write a Report ✅
Copy + paste this checklist into the Notes section in Cadmus and tick off items as you complete them.
Remember: Adapt the steps below to suit the specifics of the task
Step 1: Task Understanding
• Read the Instructions and Checklist carefully
• Read the Guide: Rubrics in Cadmus Manual and then your Marking Rubric (is available in the resources below)
• Criteria:
o Writing will reflect comprehension of the literature with descriptions, analyses, and synthesis of information,
data and ideas appropriate to the Report
o Writing will demonstrate knowledge of communities of arts practice and meet the content requirements of
the Report.
o Presentation
Step 2: Analyse the information about arts community you gathered
• Read the information you gathered carefully and thoroughly, including any images you might have gathered
• Identity what stands out for you about this COAP? List all these ideas even if you can’t make complete sense of them
• Identify what you hope to find out about the community of arts practice you have investigated
• To help you understand the situation, investigate all areas of The Community, including:
o domain
o community
o practice
o purpose
o themes and ideas
o any other aspects about the community that you might have discovered
• Create a lists of all the important ideas and key issues you have discovered so far and exam this list for commonalities
or patterns.
• Sort and order ideas and key issues – create a visual representation to consider any relationships/links/connections
between these key points.
• Go back to your information and select material that can be used as evidence when discussing these key ideas and
Step 3: Identify Problems and Evidence
• Based on your analysis, outline the key ideas and issues. Consider:
o Relationships: How do the members of the community interact?
Who are the stakeholders? Who are the core and peripheral members?
o Interactions: Identify how the various components of the community interact with each other
o Problem: Is this community a community of arts practice? How? of Why not? Have you identified any
problems that make you question this community as a CoAP?
▪ Limitations: Are there any limitations to this community or your findings?
▪ Alternatives: Do you see alternative ways of operating this community? (These may be
recommendations and limitations)
▪ Advantages: What are the advantages of this community is any?
o Issues: What are the symptoms of these problems or issues around these problems?
o Evidence: What proof is there that it is/it not for all of your ideas? Justify and back up your points with
o Results: What kind of community is it? What are the ramifications of your investigation? Is the community
short term? Long term? How sustainable is the community?
Step 4: Literature
• Examine and draw on literature that will support your evidence and ideas.
• Look at you literature review from assignment 1 and identify what literature may be useful to incorporate into this
assignment (Do not cut and paste).
Step 6: Write Report
• Write your report using this structure:
• Introduction
o identify the research question and the community you investigated,
o describe the what, where, and when of the community you investigated,
o present an outline and justification of the scope of your report (the boundaries the report is working within)
• Body of the report
The body of the report expands and develops the material in a sequential and coherent manner, reflecting the structure
you’ve outlined in the Introduction. It contains a description how you gathered your information, your findings and a
discussion of them. The following questions are examples of some of the types you could focus on:
o How did you gather and analyse your information? [Methods]
o What were the most significant findings or factors involved in your investigation?
o Did the findings support or refute the literature?
o Did you uncover any unexpected or new issues that need to be considered?
This section is the longest part of the report. The material must be presented logically. This part of the report will also
present supporting evidence such as tables, graphs or figures. Only include those that are essential for reader
understanding, the rest can be placed in an appendix that is referred to in the text.
• Conclusion
The conclusion will state the major inferences that can be drawn from your discussion and makes recommendations.
It will answer the question Is XXX a community of arts practice? and include
o reference to your original aim and objective of the report,
o potential application(s) of your results, and
o limitations and advantages of your findings.
• Reference list
List the reference material referred to in your report
o APA7 style.
o Times New Roman 11pt; spacing 1.5; tables and figures should be no smaller than 8 pt; subheadings should
be bold 12 pt
• Appendix
You may choose to include an appendix. This could contains information that supports your analysis but this is not
essential. It is only used if you really need it for clarification of information presented in the report.
• TIP: to avoid plagiarism, you must give credit if you use the work of others (see Referencing section in Cadmus