2- Linear Algebra

MT132 : Linear Algebra
Tutor Marked Assignment

Total Marks: 40
Feedback form ……….……………..…………..…………………..…………………….……….. 2
Question 1 ……………………..…………………………………..………………………..……… 3
Question 2 ……………………………..………………..…..……………………………………… 4
Question 3 ………………………………..…………………..………………..…………………… 5
Question 4 ………………..…………………………………..……………………..……………… 6
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MT132 TMA Feedback Form

[A] Student Component

Student Name : ____________________
Student Number : ____________
Group Number : _______

[B] Tutor Component

Comments Weight Mark
Q_1 6
Q_2 8
Q_3 8
Q_4 8

General Comments:

Tutor name:

The TMA covers only chapters 1 and 2. It consists of four questions; you should give the details of your solutions and not just the final results.

Q−1: [3×2 marks] Answer each of the following as True or False justifying your answers:
If A=[■(1&2@0&t)] and A^2-I_2= O, then t=-1.
If A=[■(1&1&2@2&1&1@3&3&3)], then there exists a 3×3 matrix B such that AB=I_3.
The vector X=(1,1,1) in R^3 is a linear combination of the vectors X_1=(0,1,-1) and X_2=(1,-1,2).

Q−2: [4+4 marks]
Find all values of a for which the linear system {■(x+2y+az=1@x+3y+(1-a)z=3@x+4y+(1+2a)z=5)┤
No solution;
a unique solution or
has infinitely many solutions.
Solve the linear system {■(x+y+z=2@x+2y+z=5@y=3)┤.

Q¬−3: [4+4 marks]
Let A=[■(-1&0&1@-3&1&1@2&0&-1)] and B=[■(1&2&3@2&4&-1@3&-1&5)].
Find, if it exists, A^(-1).
Find a matrix C such that (AC+B)^T=A^T+B.
Let A=[■(1&2@3&4)],B=[■(1@2)] and A^(-1) C=B. Find a matrix X such that X=AC.

Q−4: [4+4 marks]

Let S={[■(1@2@3)],[■(0@1@2)],[■(-1@0@2)]} be a set of vectors in R^3 and X=[■(-2@4@13)] be a vector in R^3. If possible, write X as a linear combination of vectors in S.
Let S={X_1,X_2,X_3} be a linearly independent set of vectors inR^3. Determine whether T={2X_1+X_2-2X_3,4X_1+3X_2 ,3X_1+2X_2- X_3} is linearly independent.