Communications Plan

Communications Plan
(Before/ During/ After Structure)
Section I

Completion Status:
(What is the status of the plan?)

Inputs Phase 1 Completed (Top-line ideas added to the plan)

Inputs Phase 2 Completed (Top-line ideas reviewed; integration opportunities added)

Implementation (Plan approved; ideas are being implemented)

Execution Completed (The project is finalized)

(How did this project come our way? Include general information about the initiative. What’s the story about? Why should the QF audience care? What makes it unique?)

QF would like to bring together the wider local community from all ages, backgrounds and cultures to participate in an activation that communicates that winning the bid and hosting the WC 2022 has always been a national movement.

The entire community has pulled together to make this happen as well as share the story of the original flag with the world and how this has inspired a nation to unite. The flag signifies pride and solidarity. Therefore, through the Flag Roadshow, we aim to raise awareness of the flag story by collaborating with members of the community to help stitch one big flag.

There are two different scenarios for this project. The first one is to have the physical flag and the accompanying film presented at the opening match of the World Cup and then also communicated on QF Social Media platforms. The second scenario would be sharing the flag story on QF Social Media platforms at the start of the World Cup as part of QF’s legacy.

The flag will have a permanent place at a prime location in either HQ or another area in EC (TBC). Furthermore, we will try to integrate the flag story and assets related to this project during events such as QND.

Note: There are multiple deliverables that will roll out in phases:
1. Main film that communicates the overall story of the original flag and the activation.
2. Snippets/cut downs of the community stitching together Qatar’s flag.
3. Stories of certain participants and their experiences from seeing Qatar win the bid to now hosting it 12 years later. These will be around 4-5 stories for SM.

Overarching Theme:
(All our communication initiatives should fit into a bigger QF theme or strategy. Mark with an X all that apply.)

X The Monthly Theme Youth Challenges. Please specify which ones:

A QF strategy and blueprints. Please specify which one:

A bigger QF campaign. Please specify which one:

Target Audience:
(Who is the coverage aimed at? Mark with an X all that apply)

a) Scope:
X External X Internal

b) If external:
X Domestic Regional International

Specific to one region only. Specify which:

c) Who are we targeting? (e.g. General population? Educators? Researchers? Students? Industry professionals?) Specify.

Students, Citizens, Residents, General Population, Youth, Tourists.

(Describe the timeline for the project.)

Flag Roadshow Launch: September, 2022

Touring around different entities for collaboration: September 25th 2022 – October 26th 2022

Tailoring/finalizing the flag: October 27th, 2022 – October 30th, 2022

(What are the goals this story is trying to achieve? List three.)

Key Message(s):
(What should audiences remember from the story?)

(Please describe associated risk/issues with proposed actions. Two sentences max)

Failure to get approvals needed to showcase the flag during the World Cup games.

(What contacts do you need? What contacts do you already have?)

A focal point from every entity that has been collaborated with.

Key Word(s):
(Separate words with commas.)

World Cup, Flag, Solidarity, Pride, Collaboration, Community, Awareness.


Launch Date: TBC

(What supporting documents are attached?)
Flag Roadshow Status Tracker.

Section II
Please read Section III with instructions before filling in the plan.


Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 2
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 3
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status


Idea 1
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 3
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 4
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 5
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status


Idea 1
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 2
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Idea 3
Initiated by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status

Integration Opportunities
Suggested by Activity Details Format & Channel Target Audience Timeline KPIs Status


No risks identified

Potential risks identified



Press Office Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Content Development Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Social Media Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Digital Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Multimedia Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Internal Comms Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Events Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Marketing Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Public Relations Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

EC Brand Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Alumni Inputs added Nothing to add. Please explain why: ______

Section III

Please follow the instructions below to successfully fill in Section II of the plan:

• Initiated by/ Suggested by: Please write the name of the function who suggested the idea or the integration opportunity or the name of the Relationship Manager, if applicable. (Examples: Press Office, Content Development, Digital, Internal Comms, Events, Multimedia, Marketing, Public Relations, EC Brand). For the ideas suggested by the SM team, please also specify if it’s an idea for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.

• Activity Details: Please specify what is the suggested initiative AND add as many details as possible. (Examples: what is the story angle? Who is the person who will be interviewed? What is the angle for the interview? What is the theme for the video? etc.)

• Format & Channel: Depending on your department, you can choose from the below:
– Format options for Press Office: press release, feature article, print/online interview, column, media roundtable, op-eds publication in the media, broadcast interview, What’s Up Today, monthly stakeholder newsletter, international media, other (please specify).
– Channel options for Press Office: print newspaper, magazine, media website, broadcast, other (please specify).
– Format options for Content Development: news story/ feature, reviewing press release by entity, speech/ talking points, key messages, reviewing an op-ed, other (please specify)
– Format options for Social Media: static image, GIF, video, animation, article, other (please specify)
– Channel options for Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Story, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, other (please specify)
– Chanel options for Digital: website, events calendar, other (please specify)
– Format options for Internal Comms: Maktabi, announcement and main banner, announcement, pop-up, ICN email, ICN Ambassadors Team group, Maktabi email (targeted or all-staff), calendar invitations (targeted or all-staff), desktop wallpaper, digital screens, screensavers, desktop phone screen displays, other (please specify)

• Target Audience: In this section of the plan we will refer to the geographical split of the audience. Please specify if the suggested activity is targeting a local, regional or international audience.

• Timeline: Every suggested activity should have a timeline. If the exact date cannot be confirmed yet, we should at least write an estimate date (Example: 1 March 2021, w/c 7 March 2021, one week after the event, 3 days after the initiative was announced on the website etc.). TBC should be avoid as much as possible.

• KPIs: How would success look for your team? What are you hoping to achieve?

• Status: Once the project is finalized, or as considered necessary during the implementation phase, the RMs should ask the teams to fill in the Status section in the plan for each suggested activity. The status can be one of the following:
– Completed – please add the coverage link where available.
– Work in progress – if the team missed the initial deadline, they should provide a justification on why more time is needed to complete the activity and update the deadline accordingly.
– Cancelled – if an activity has been cancelled, the team should explain what was the reason behind the cancelation.

• Reviewed by the Public Affairs team: Once the teams have added their inputs, Public Affairs should do a risk evaluation for the entire project, flag any potential risks and share recommendation.

• Functions Participation: Please mark with an X if your team’s inputs have been added (either top-line ideas or integration opportunities). If a team selects the “Nothing to add” box, they should explain why this is.