Organizational Structure.

NSG3204 – Ass 3 – “When Things Go Wrong” Written Project Plan ______________________________________________________________________________ Due 23rd Oct 1500 words Double spaced lines, and Arial 12 font 3cm left-side margin Min (10) references, APA 7 ______________________________________________________________________________ LSC Note LSC are literacy/ ESL teachers. This is a new assessment. LSC have no prior knowledge of clinical auditing, or quality improvement projects, or this kind of Nursing unit content, generally. ______________________________________________________________________________ Task _____________________________________________________________ Before starting: Students are to view the Nursing Dept’s assessment instructions video, at: Watch the videos provided by Nursing Dept: – located in Lecture 5 explore section  Greig’s Story – The Incident – the error here, is the focus of the assessment  Legal Implications – Roderick McRae  Dean’s example of open disclosure – Good & Bad  Greig’s Story – The Apology – note Greg’s view of the importance of receiving open disclosure and an apology. – See 3:07 of this video for the full title and authorship of the video series, (for your referencing and citation) _____________________________________________________________ Assessment Document 1. Introduction (About 150 words) Write an Introduction that explains what the paper is about, and what you are going to discuss: – define clinical governance, its purpose, and how it includes clinical auditing. – define clinical auditing, its purpose, (possibly) what it generally involves, and its benefits. – outlines the key areas to be discussed/ explains the content and focus of the assignment ____________________________________________________ 2. Clinical incident and Associated Medical errors (About 150 words) – Identify the incident – Outline the medical error/s that have taken place – Explain exactly what occurred – Explain Greg’s view of the healthcare staff/ environment, at the time. Why does Greg think of the errors occurred? ____________________________________________________ 3. Clinical audit (About 250 words) Outline the audit process by following the audit process cycle as stated in the clinical auditing lecture: (Students are to refer to their lecture notes). Write about all (6) phases of the cycle: From the Nursing Dept’s assessment instructions video, at: Step 1: The error that Greg actually experienced Step 2: Regarding what happened to Greg – What was supposed to happen / the correct way? – What are the agreed, specific standards and expectations? Step 3: What are the Australia statistics regarding the medical error that occurred to Greg? Step 4: Select relevant, specific strategies that could help prevent the error from occurring (handover? communication?) Step 5: The plan for implementing the change. Step 6: Measuring whether this problem has continued to happen, after your changes were implemented. ____________________________________________________ 4. Quality Improvement Project (About 550 words) Complete the quality improvement template provided by the Nursing Dept: This is the “How” of the improvement process. It describes the steps in the clinical audit, but in more detail. (About 150, of the 550 words)  Title of the project  Project Background: Briefly outline the project including the problem or practice gap outlined in the scenario.  Aim: What is the overall aim of the project?  Organizational context & structures: The infrastructure that impacts on quality or outcomes of care. This means: Name the quality-related area being affected (diabetes management? medication safety? etc.) Strategies x3 Interventions Expected Outcome/s Evaluation Describe the strategies Provide a detailed description of the implementation strategy Provide a detailed description of the implementation strategy Describe how to report the findings: what committee you report your findings. Which NSQHS standards it links to. (About 270 words, of the 550 words)  Describe the (3) strategies that will be used to support your project’s aim. Use lit./ evidence. (Strategies are more general ways of achieving an aim, while interventions are more specific actions for supporting a strategy)  Describe in detail the interventions that will be used to implement the (3) strategies. – Compose a detailed description of the implementation three (3) strategies. – Include a theory for why a specific intervention or a group of interventions was chosen. – Support your interventions with evidence/ academic references. (About 130 words, of the 550 words)  Outcomes – Explain the potential outcome of the project. – Support this, with evidence  Evaluation – Describe how the findings will be reported: – what committee will your findings be reported to? Is there a hospital committee, (such as a medication safety committee?) Why is that, the right one? – Which NSQHS standards does it link to? ____________________________________________________ 5. Open disclosure (About 250 words)  Open disclosure: Analyze the importance of open disclosure in this incident. – Why was open disclosure important for Greig? – Why was Greig determined to have open disclosure, and an apology? Support your discussion with academic references. ____________________________________________________ 5. Conclusion (About 150 words) Summarise and synthesise. No new information. ______________________________________________________________________________ Sources ______________________________________________________________________________ Sources suggested by the Library Medical error/s Rodziewicz TL, Houseman B, Hipskind JE. Medical Error Reduction and Prevention. [Updated 2022 May 1]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan. Clinical audits Limb, C., Fowler, A., Gundogan, B., Koshy, K., & Agha, R. (2017). How to conduct a clinical audit and quality improvement project. International journal of surgery. Oncology, 2(6), e24. (This is a general source, and may not be the one at your lectures. It includes a 6-phase audit cycle and the Plan-See-Do-Act model) Quality improvement (Student to complete template provided) Panesar, S., Carson-Stevens, A., Salvilla, S., & Sheikh, A. (2014). Patient safety and healthcare improvement at a glance. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Open disclosure The Australian Open Disclosure Framework This is the most up to date on this site that I could find NSQHS Standards (Second Edition) | User Guide for Governing Bodies page 22 Incident management systems. Victorian resources Open disclosure following adverse events in healthcare. ______________________________________________________________________________ Further search terms: Search in both Google Search (for hospital, university and govt sources) and Google Scholar (for research studies and export articles) Clinical governance clinical governance Australia nursing Clinical auditing Nursing clinical audit following the audit process cycle Nursing 6 step clinical audit process cycle clinical auditing for continuous nursing practice improvement Quality Improvement Project Quality Improvement Projects in Nursing Australia Importance of open disclosure importance of open disclosure of nursing incidents benefits of open disclosure of nursing incidents ______________________________________________________________________________