2- Reaction Paper

The name of the book is: Modern man in search of soul by Carl Jung A reaction paper is precisely what the name implies. It is a paper that the student will write to express reactions to a reading. It is a paper in which you share your reactions to an educational stimulus with the instructor. The reaction paper required for this course will be based on a book that you will read for this course. If you cite additional sources beyond the book you have chosen, you must document your sources of information. The emphasis in a reaction paper is to be on what you, the student, think about a subject, an event, or topic. This is not a book report. The purpose of a reaction paper is to do critical thinking on a college level. The instructor wants you to analyze a situation or an event and to form an opinion, on the basis of new information. Consider these possible questions to be addressed in your paper: 1. How did this make you feel? Angry? Sad? Disbelieving? Confused? 2. Can you relate to the reading from your own experiences? 3. Did you like the book overall? 4. Was the reading helpful/useful/worthwhile? 5. Would you recommend this book to others? 6. Will you use this book in your future practice as a substance abuse counselor? You can find more information on how to write a reaction paper here: http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/reaction.html Reaction papers must be typed, double-spaced, four to five pages in length, in 12 font and with a one inch margin. Please include the name of the book and the author’s name. Papers that are less than four pages or more than five pages are not acceptable. You are encouraged to seek assistance with your paper from the English lab. The paper will be graded on content, mechanics and grammar.  This is not a book report.  Provide specific details from the book AND your reactions to them; do not just provide your reactions to the TOPIC. o How do you feel about the reading? o What do you agree or disagree with? o Can you identify with the situation? o Use first-person (“I think,” “I feel,” “In my opinion,” It seems that,” etc.)  Choose wisely; this book could change your life (or someone else’s)!  Points will be deducted for not providing specific reactions, if the paper is too short, and grammatical errors.  Use paragraphs