Critical Thinking Essay

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Write a short essay that responds to the following prompt. The rubric and requirements for this essay can the Grading Rubrics page under “Course Home”.

By the end of the third unit you should have:

Literature review and submitted this in the submission link for Unit 4 (Minimum five pages and minimum five outside sources).
Submitted Research Proposal “Draft” that provides explanation of:
Outside sources (data, books, articles, websites, as needed, to include in your draft.
Demonstration of capability to write a literature review.
Demonstration of capability to conduct proposed research.
Post a draft outline (table of contents) for your research proposal including possible appendices, tentative charts or tables, chapters, etc., APA format only for both in-text and reference citations – NOT in annotated bibliography format).
Please take this assignment very seriously. Provide information that could be used as a basis for your research proposal and your senior seminar thesis. This assignment is worth two percent of your final grade. When in doubt, provide a survey. Most students do not know how they will actually test data from studies that have already been completed.

Writing Assignment Rubric

These assignments are worth thirty points, which will be assigned based on the degree to which the essay fulfills the following three requirements:

The essay refers specifically and accurately to assigned texts (10 points) – Analyzes key elements from all sources (text, and three sources – minimum) into a consistent whole. Using multiple (more than 8) words specific to the aspect of the profession of the research topic, the artifact demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the terminology in a CJ course and the weekly research proposal topic.
By discussing multiple (more than 3) key ideas in the unit assignment demonstrates an exceptional understanding of key concepts The reported results are substantive. It is particularly helpful to use specific examples or experiences, properly cited, to illustrate your point. The essay is sufficient required length (10 points)
The essay reflects careful and thorough proofreading, editing, and formatting (10 points) – Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, sentence construction. The literature review contains fewer than 2 errors in the APA writing convention and in the paper presentation (grammar, spelling, etc.). The artifact contains less than 2 errors in the following paper components: cover sheet, body of term paper, or reference page (10 points).

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