E- Summarize The Articles of Quality Management Principles and Practice

Student’s Name _______________________________________  Date ______
Article Summary Worksheet
  Directions:​Complete one Article Summary Worksheet for the article you read.  Remember to staple a copy of the article to the back of the worksheet.  Use the copy to highlight, underline, and make notes as you read.
    Bibliographic Information
        Author(s) of article:  ________________________________________________
        Title of article:​    ___________________________________________________
        Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article:  ____________________________________________________________________
        Date article was published and page number:  ______________________
    Summary Information
        Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article:  ___________________________________________________________________
        Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article: 
    Personal Reaction
        What was the most surprising/interesting thing you found out by reading this article? 

        What question(s) do you have after reading this article?  What would you like to learn more about? 
        What other keywords/topics for further research did you find reading this article?
—summary of article?