E- Project Paper

find at least two sources that you think may help you with your Project 3(mentioned below) , Controversy in your Genre.

Please actively read them, and make note of how they may or may not help you.

When you are finished, you will submit MLA works cited entries for them, and 5-7 sentences that summarize the source (paraphrase) as well as show how you might use them to strengthen your argument. Try to integrate quotations from the sources into your responses on how you might use them in your essay and presentation.

Project Three: Controversy Presentation. You will give a seven-to-eight-minute presentation of a controversy about an artist in your genre. You must select a specific artist and controversy and make an argument about how the controversy impacts the genre overall. Focus on specific songs, albums, performances, public appearances, quotes, and/or interviews in order to make your case about how the controversy impacts the genre. Along with your presentation, you will turn in a 1 page write up that uses two secondary sources. One of the secondary sources must be scholarly. The other secondary source can be non-scholarly but must be reliable. Your write-up should include an introduction paragraph with a thesis that makes a strong argument about how the controversy impacted the genre overall. Analyze the sources using rhetorical devices such as logos, pathos, and ethos. Introduce your sources with a signal phrase to help the reader understand why each source is relevant and trustworthy. Use of mix of quotes and paraphrase from the sources to support your argument and then analyze the sources in order to make it clear how each connects to your thesis. Include a Works Cited page that lists all sources in MLA format. You should practice your presentation ahead of time in order to be sure that it is the correct length of time to ensure a Complete grade. Any visual components of the presentation must by the day before the presentation date. If you are using a supplemental video, it should be under two minutes.