Reаd the 14 commentarіes in the journal Linguistic Aрproaches to Bilingualism that follow the Dabrowska (2012) REFER£ENCE: Dabrowska, E. (2012). Different speakers, different grammars: Individual differences in native language attainment. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2(3), 219–253. 1. Write an essaу presenting an evaluation of at least 8 of these commentaries on the question on conversion, engaging with both formalist and functionalist approaches, and make explicit reference to the relevant commentaries in your argumentation. * Let me know in advance (by 20 December 2017) which you have selected to ensure a good balance. (TO GET FEEDBACK FROM MY TUTOR) 2. Ensure the essay clearly presents a critical view including an analyses of ideas and evidence within the commentaries. *I will be assessed on the degree to which I show understanding of the approaches to linguistics, and the differences between formal and functional views of language. * I am not expected to demonstrate detailed theoretical or technical understanding of grammatical constructs or statistical analysis, but I am expected to understand whether evidence from studies relating to my chosen essay is used to support the claims effectively. * I will be expected to show evidence in your assignment of understanding research methodologies in linguistics and language acquisition, as part of my theoretical understanding and analysis skills. * 12point Times or Times New Roman typeface; 1.5 line spacing; 2.5 cm margins; page numbering on * Number of references is open to whatever you feel is suitable.