This assignment you need to use MiniTab Statistical Software and pull information from Yahoo Finance for Amazon, Walmart and Targets past 5 year historical stock prices. We are trying to see the correlation between holiday season (November, December) and other months and how the prices correlate to those months, for each company. 1.Discuss the correlation between the stock prices of Amazon, Target, and Walmart during the holiday season individually, and that we expect to find that the stock price would be highest in November and December. 2.Identify where the data came from: Yahoo Finance 3.Use box plot, scatter plot (descriptive statistical summaries) to give a sense for distribution 4.Analysis: Describe models you tried and why you chose a certain model. (Example Yt=bo + b1*x1 +b2*x2) 5. Inference: What did you find? Do the data confirm what you expected Please use project proposal .docx to have a better idea of what we are trying to accomplish