
Please answer the question they make at the end. Please give a response for this two peers. Please separate the answers by peer 1 and peer 2. You can use
137 words for each. Directions: Respond to at least two of your peers: Your responses need to be substantive, not surface. Make sure you identify at least
one part of their original post that resonated with you. Structural Guidelines: Be Respectful Be Charitable Absolutely NO hate speech Use MLA or APA citation
standards throughout! Have fun Smile.
first peer…..1 Symbolic violence is a term coined by Pierre Bourdieu, a prominent 20th-century French
sociologist, and appears in his works from the 1970s. Symbolic violence describes a type of
non-physical violence manifest in the power differential between social groups.
Examples of symbolic violence include gender relationships in which both men and
women agree that women are weaker, less intelligent, more unreliable and so forth.
Also sexual minorities, violence against perpetrators, perpetrators come from all
economic classes and racial groups. Most do not have serious and racial groups. Most
do not have serious criminal records or known psychiatric disorders.
The prototypical assailant in cases reported to police is a young male, acting in concert
with other young males, all of them strangers to the victims. This profile is strikingly
similar in the countries around the world that have surveyed such violence, with the
overwhelming majority of assailants being males under the age of 25. Due to the nature
of crime reporting, this profile underrepresents violence within families and institutions.
REFERENCE: Tanya Maria Golash-Boza
Second peer……Symbolic violence
Symbolic violence is the socially dominant groups have preferences on tastes, values, and norms superior to non-dominant groups. The standard English
spoken by middle-class white Americans is a symbol of intelligence and eloquence, while the English spoken by the African working class is a symbol of
ignorance. This standard is set by the dominant white middle class. All this means to education that children who grow up in families that speak standard
English can also speak the language in school and are praised for their intelligence and eloquence. At the same time, children who grow up in families that
speak other forms of English or other languages must learn new languages and accents at school, and their teachers may tell them not to speak as their
parents do at home. Tell children in school that their parents’ way of speaking is inferior and unacceptable (Golash-Boza 2017: Pg#238). A real-life example
of symbolic violence is gender bias. People always believe that female is weaker, less intelligent, less prestige and more unreliable than male. Symbolic
violence against women usually takes the form of cultural vocabulary. Normative phrases like “hit like a girl” or “run like a girl” cleverly form a view of the
subordinate status of women in a language form. Some people think that they speak those phrases just want to make jokes. However, only a small amount
of people realize that it is symbolic violence and inveteracy in our culture. I really hope that symbolic violence can be eliminated completely. At that time,
people can live in a community full of love and peace.