• Write a 1-2-page paper (APA 7th format, no abstract required or cover page required) with the following key points:
This week, you have read a number of articles on the various errors and biases that can occur in reasoning and decision-making. Given that reading, please
answer the following questions:
o Do you think humans can ever be accurate in their judgments? Explain?
o Do these errors matter in real life? Or, do things end up working out because “everyone is making the same mistakes”?
o Which bias/error do you think is the most common? Why?
o Which bias/error is the most serious? Why?
o After this reading, what will you do differently to help catch the biases and errors in your thinking?
Be sure to include and apply concepts from the reading to clarify your answers.
• Write a 3-page paper (APA 7th format, no abstract required or cover page required – DO NOT EXCEED 1000 words on this portion) with the following key
Written Assignment: Consulting for Sparks and Crash Computer Company #3
The engineers have come to develop bad attitudes about the skilled assembly workers at CS Co. Each day they seem to include a new and negative
complaint to their list about the skilled workers. This has grown to the point where the engineers are starting to refuse to communicate or work with the
assembly workers, severely slowing production and risking the quality testing of the product as well.
You investigate to get to the bottom of this issue. As you speak to the engineers, you find that no one seems to know just how the bad attitudes began –
although each engineer has his/her own justification. Also, nothing overt seems to trigger these hard feelings and disagreements.
You then speak with the skilled assembly workers. They seem like a nice, hard-working, and agreeable bunch. There doesn’t seem to be any truth to the
engineers’ categorization of them. You would even like to speak with them longer, except they all seem to smell like a strong-smelling industrial solvent they
have to use on the job…and it is giving you a headache.
Your objective is to write a proposal for SC Co. to define the problem and describe an intervention that would help address the issue.
Answer the following points in your proposal.
• Define the problem as you see it.
• Select at least three (3) concepts/theories from this week’s reading to address the problem.
• Briefly describe the concepts/theories and how they help to understand and explain the problem.
• Compose an intervention for the problem from the concepts/theories and describe what you would do.
• Predict, given the same concepts/theories, the outcome of your intervention.
References and Citations should include:
1. Social Cognition Overview – CHAPTER 3: Baumeister, R. F., & Finkel, E. J. (Eds.) (2010). Advanced social psychology: The state of the science. New York:
Oxford University Press
2. Categories and Social Cognition: Macrae, C.N., & Bodenhausen, G.V. (2000). Social cognition: Thinking categorically about others. Annual Review of
Psychology, 51, 93-120.
3. Attitudes: Ajzen, I. (2001). Nature and operation of attitudes. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 27-58.
4. Dissonance: Aronson, E. (1992). The return of the repressed: Dissonance theory makes a comeback. Psychological Inquiry, 3(4), 303-313.
5. Automaticity: Bargh, J.A., & Chartrand, T.L. (1999). The unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist, 54(7), 462-479.
6. Mental Accounting: Thaler, R.H. (1999). Mental accounting matters. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 12(3), 183-206.
7. All ideas and statements of fact should include a citation from one of the above references – PhD level work should have a citation every 2-3 sentences.