Carbon dioxide capture and storage is under c
onsideration today for lessening the effects
of global warming and climate change
traceable to fossil fuels. One fr
equently-used carbon sequestration
approach is to inject CO2
to an underground geological formation. Cr
itically evaluate this approach for
large-scale management of CO2
generated by human activity, including
the current status in USA, the
technical aspects and the related co
sts, as well as the impact on the environment and ecology. Formulate a
position in favor of, or in opposition to, the deployment
of such technology. In your opinion, please select
an alternative option from the carbon capture/conversio
n technologies that currently exist or will be
developed. Write a report on this issu
e. The report should cite at least
three references, must be typed in
single space, times new roman font, 12
point, no shorter than one page.